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The studies that remain after your initial screening by title and abstract are now ready for closer inspection to determine how relevant they are to your research question(s). This step requires at least two team members to scan the full text of the shortlisted papers to gauge how well they fit the systematic review's parameters. Hopefully, the articles were uploaded into Covidence using one of the methods discussed in the previous section, but if not, it is easy to import/upload missing papers during this phase as well.
Please note:
Pro Tips!
Before beginning the full-text review, the team must discuss and define the criteria for inclusion/exclusion to be used by the reviewers. When you vote to exclude a study you will have to select the reason why you feel this study should be excluded. Explicitly defining the Exclusion criteria is especially important since this information is included in the PRISMA diagram.
Covidence provides two ways to manage the Exclusion criteria list.
Pro Tips!
Additional information on screening studies in Covidence can be found by clicking here.
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