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Exporting Data from Covidence

You can export three types of data from Covidence:

To export any of these data,

  1. Go to the Export tool, from your review summary page.
  2. Click on the relevant box

Exporting Citation Data

You can export these sets of references into an RIS for citation managers (Zotero, EndNote, etc.) or to a CSV file for Excel

  • screening (the initial de-duplicated list of citations)
  • irrelevant (the citations NOT included after screening)
  • full text review (the citations included after screening)
  • studies missing full text
  • excluded (the citations NOT included after full-text review)
  • included (the citations included after full-text review for data extraction)

To export references

  1. In Export tool, choose References (see figure above)
  2. Under Stage, select which list you'd like to export.
  3. Under Format, select which reference manager you're using, or select CSV to export to Excel.
  4. Click Export.
  5. Wait for the file to prepare, then click "Download".
  6. Save and open your file.

Exporting Extracted Data

You can export data from both Data Extraction Tool 1.0 and Data Extraction Tool 2.0

Data Extraction Tool 1.0

For information about exporting data from Extraction Tool 1.0, go here

Data Extraction Tool 2.0

You can export the following extracted data into a CSV file for Excel.

  • Data extraction consensus only (default)
  • Data extraction consensus + individual data
  • Quality assessment consensus only
  • Quality assessment consensus + Individual data
  • Data extraction consensus + Quality assessment consensus only
  • All data (Data extraction consensus + Quality assessment consensus + Individual data)

Data extraction data contains data collected using the Data Extraction Template.
Quality extraction data contains data collected using the Quality Extraction Template.

Consensus data contains the data for each completed study.
Consensus + Individual data contains consensus each completed study and pre-consensus data for each saved study (which is unblinded data).

To export extracted data

  1. In Export tool, choose Data Extraction (see figure above)
  2. Select which data you'd like to export.
  3. Click Export.
  4. Wait for the file to prepare, then click "Download".
  5. Save and open your file.

Exporting Inter-Rater Reliability Data

You can export inter-rater reliability data after the title & abstract screening or after full-text review.

The exported file includes these data for every reviewer pair

  • comparison data
    • A: yes B: yes
    • A: no  B: no
    • A: yes B: no
    • A: no  B: no
  • calculated data
    • proportionate agreement
    • yes probability
    • no probability
    • random agreement probability
    • Cohen's Kappa coefficient

To export inter-rater reliability data

  1. In Export tool, choose Inter-Rater Reliability (see figure above)
  2. Select the stage you would like data from.
  3. Click Export.
  4. Wait for the file to prepare, then click "Download".
  5. Save and open your file.

More Information on Exporting Data

Additional information on exporting data from Covidence may be found by clicking here.

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