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Title/Abstract Screening

screening progress pageOn the review home page, if you expand the title abstract screening box, you will see an overview on the status of your screening. Progress is shown for things like how many studies you've screened, the number of studies left, and the number of conflicts that exist so far. 

title abstract screening pageOnce your references are imported into Covidence, you are ready to start the title/abstract screening stage.

  1. To begin screening, click on Continue under the title/abstract area of your review homepage. 
  2. For each study you will vote yes, no, or maybe. Maybe votes are treated like yes.
  3. The default setting in Covidence is for each citation to require 2 votes to move forward. Studies voted no will move to the irrelevant area, and those voted yes will move into the full text review stage
  4. Covidence will also keep track of conflicts for you. If you and a co-screener vote differently on a study it will move to the conflicts area. These will need to be addressed as a group and a final vote made. 

Screening display options

title abstract results view

To make screening easier, there are some display options available at the top of the page. These allow you to filer results through a search, tag a study with a specific tag (created in the review settings), quickly navigate to the criteria page, add highlights, and also hide abstracts. 

More Information on Screening Studies

Additional information on screening studies by title and abstract in Covidence can be found by clicking here.

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