Contains in-depth reports for 3 400 companies analyzed by 800 expert research analysts worldwide, covering all industries and all regions with just a 7 day embargo.
Database contains over 18 million current and historical broker research on companies, industries, products and markets.
Provides online access to major publications and company information from Standard and Poor's.
Provides investment analysis reports for publicly traded companies and brief industry reports.
Please be sure to log off when finished with ValueLine. There is a limit on simultaneous users.
Contains company profiles for approximately 23 million companies across Europe.
Note: Before using Amadeus, you need to set up an account. Please see the login instructions for this database.
Provides information on many well known privately-held companies in addition to M&A activity, PE & VC information and funding deals.
The first time you use PrivCo, you will need to set up an account associated with your Baylor e-mail address.
Provides online access to major publications and company information from Standard and Poor's.
Note: Requires account - Please contact Carol Schuetz (
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