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Resources for students in the MBA and MHA programs in the Hankamer School of Business.


This page presents a number of electronic resources that can be used to locate articles on business topics.  For a more comprehensive list or to locate a specialized resource, please go to the Baylor Libraries homepage and click on the "Database" tab in the search widget.  You can search by keyword if you know a database name.  Otherwise, selecting the "Search by Subject" option will allow you to select a discipline and view the resources for that subject.

Periodicals at the Baylor Libraries

How do you know if the Baylor Libraries hold a particular periodical?  Here are some ways that you can use to check on various periodicals to see what formats and volumes/years are available through the libraries.

  • Do a title search in OneSearch - This will let you know what titles the libraries has and in what format they are available.  Doing a title search for the Economist will provide records for the paper edition and for the electronic version which will provide access points through various databases in the Baylor Libraries.
  • Databases such as ABI/Inform Complete and Business Source Complete oftentimes provide access to periodicals online.  By doing a "Publication" search in one of these databases, you will gain a "table of contents" type access to periodicals.  Look for the "Publications" tab at the top of the search page in these two databases, then type in your periodical title to browse for it in the database.
  • You may also limit to your periodical title when searching a database.  This is commonly done by typing your periodical title into the search box and changing the next box to "SO - publication title" (for Business Source Complete) or "Publication title -- PUB" (for ABI/Inform Complete). If you search with a subject or topic in the other search boxes, your results will be limited to the periodical that you have used.

Databases for articles

These are the databases that can be helpful in locating articles on topics in business.

Scholarly works

Additional databases

These are additional places to loook for articles.

University Libraries

One Bear Place #97148
Waco, TX 76798-7148

(254) 710-6702