These resources are good places to start searcing for company profiles, industry-related reports and articles on business topics. If you have trouble locating the information you are looking for, consult your librarian for help.
Provides profiles of 10 000 public companies along with company financial information.
Provides information on many well known privately-held companies in addition to M&A activity, PE & VC information and funding deals.
The first time you use PrivCo, you will need to set up an account associated with your Baylor e-mail address.
Provides online access to major publications and company information from Standard and Poor's.
Provides access to industry research and company benchmarking reports.
Provides access to competitive benchmarking data featuring key business ratios for companies and industries.
Provides business information from scholarly and popular periodicals, newspapers, market research reports, dissertations, books, videos and more.
Provides access to full-text business journals and scholarly, peer-reviewed journals.
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