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Citing Business Resources & Creating Bibliographies

Looking for help in citing information from one of the online resources provided by the Baylor Library? Here you will find examples to guide your citations using APA v. 6


When doing research, whether for a paper or class project, be sure to cite your information properly using APA style, v. 6.  The resources you see on this guide will aid you in doing that.

This guide provides information on using citation tools and providing correct citations for your research projects.  Why should you use these?

  • Import your citations when doing work in a database such as ABI/Inform global or Business Source Complete
  • Use Write-n-cite or Zotero to bring your citations directly into your Word document
  • Create your Work Cited page in a snap
  • Wrong style? No problem!  Change citation styles easily
  • Create bibliographies that you can share with professors and group members

When should I cite my information?

Researchers do not claim the ideas and words of other researchers as their own.  Researchers should give credit where credit is due.

You cite material when:

  • You use the ideas or words of another
  • whether this use is a direct quote or is paraphrased
  • Historical, statistical, or scientific facts. 
  • Graphs, drawings, or images.


You do not need to document:

  • Proverbs, axioms, or well know phrases. 
  • Common knowledge

If you are not sure what to do, it is better to cite.

Citation ensures the accuracy of knowledge and protects intellectual property rights.

Publications Manual of the American Psychological Association, Sixth Edition.

Quick examples

Here are some examples of citations for commonly used items:

Journal article
  • Dutkowsky, D. H., & VanHoose, D. D. (2020). Equal treatment under the Fed: Interest on reserves, the federal funds rate, and the ‘Third Regime’ of bank behavior -. Journal of Economics and Business, 107, 1–10.


Company Profile


Industry Profile
  • Tang, O. (2008). Ice cream production in the US  (Report no. 31152). IBISWorld.



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