How can this tutorial help?
This tutorial will take you through the steps to researching a company or industry. It also lists the recommended resources, both online and in print, that you can use to find the company or industry information you are looking for.
The tutorial was created for the Baylor BUS 3315 (Business Writing) classes, but anyone is free to use it in order to learn about how to research companies and industries.
How do I navigate through this tutorial?
The links at the side of the page list the main sections. However, if you want to navigate through the tutorial from beginning to end, use the Next and Back buttons at the bottom of each page.
All links to pages outside of the tutorial (such as databases or OneSearch records) will open up in new windows.
If during the tutorial you encounter a word underlined with yellow dashes, you will be able to find a definition of it in the Glossary of Business Terms.
How can I get further help?
Please contact the business reference librarian, Carol Schuetz.
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