To enable the Reading List feature in your Canvas course, please follow the steps below:
After completing these steps, you will see the Reading List link added to the course navigational links such as Assignments, Grades, etc.
To create a new reading list, click the "Reading List" option from your course navigational links. Next, you will be presented with the two options listed below:
If you would like to create a brand new reading list for your course, choose the "Create a new list from scratch" option. If you would like to reuse a reading list from a previous semester, refer to the "Use Reading List from Previous Term" tab of this guide.
After you have clicked the "Create new list" button, create a name for your reading list, and if you would like, you can add a description of the list as well. Then, click "Next."
On the following page, you will be prompted to create sections for your reading list. These sections are where you will organize and list your resources for the course. You can choose from the "Default" option, which will create one section titled "Resources", or choose the "Weeks" option, which will create a section for each week of your class:
After choosing your desired option, click the "Create list" button. You will then be taken to your reading list in Canvas where you can begin adding resources.
After clicking the Reading List link from your course navigational links in Canvas, choose the Create list from an existing list option:
After clicking the "Select Existing List" button, you will be presented with a selection of your pre existing reading lists. Once you have identified the reading list you would like to reuse, click the "Rollover List" button:
This will create a duplicate copy of your reading list for the new semester, where you can make the necessary updates and changes to your course readings for the new term. After clicking the "Rollover list" button, you will be taken to a page where you can edit the name of your reading list and choose what information you would like copied over to the new list:
Clicking the green information icons will provide you with additional context and guidance for choosing what content to move over for your new list. After you have made your selections, click the "Create List" button at the top of the page.
Leganto allows instructors to associate a reading list to multiple sections of a course. First, ensure that the reading list feature has been enabled in the course you would like to associate your reading list to. *If you are associating your reading list to a section taught by a different instructor, ask them to enable the reading list feature for their course in Canvas. Then, open up your reading list and click the ellipsis at the top:
Next, click the + Add another course link, then in the Link to course search field enter the course code or name of the class, fill out the required information, and click Save.
To add a collaborator to your reading list, click the "List Info" link located at the top of the list:
In the "Collaborators" section of the pop up window, click the "Manage Collaborators" link and then click the "+ Add Collaborators" button. Next, enter the name or email address of the instructor you would like to add as a collaborator, and click their name:
Choose the collaborator permissions you would like to provide for the instructor using the drop down menu. The List Owner permissions include the ability to add, edit, and remove resources/sections, as well as delete or duplicate a reading list, and add other instructors as collaborators to the list. The Can Edit List permissions include the ability to add, edit, and remove resources/sections. After making your selection, click "Save."
The new collaborator will need to enable the reading list feature in Canvas to access and edit the list. If the collaborator is teaching a different section of the course, please refer to the Associate List to Another Course tab of this guide for further instructions on attaching the list to their course.
Reading list sections enable instructors to organize their class material by week, topic, etc.
To add sections to your reading list, click the "+ Add" button located at the top of your list. From the drop down menu, choose "New Section." Then, fill out the requested information in the form and click "Add."
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