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Using Leganto Reading Lists in Canvas

Introduction to Leganto Reading Lists

The Baylor University Libraries support Leganto, a resource management tool that enables instructors to build reading lists directly in their Canvas courses. Leganto enables instructors to add resources from the library collection such as articles, eBooks, print books, and more directly to their reading lists and submit them to the library for processing. Once a reading list has been processed and published, students can access their course readings directly from within the learning management system.


Benefits to using Leganto:

  • Instructors can search the library catalog from the reading list and easily add resources
  • Once a reading list has been created, it can be carried over from semester to semester
  • Reading lists can be shared across multiple sections of a class, and additional instructors can be added as reading list collaborators
  • Instructors can track student engagement with course materials by using the Student Analytics feature
  • Chapter digitization, copyright clearance, eBook/print book acquisition, and Physical Reserve requests can be submitted through Leganto


University Libraries

One Bear Place #97148
Waco, TX 76798-7148

(254) 710-6702