Enroll in the Data Scholar Canvas course here!
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This workshop will cover the fundamentals of NVivo 12 Plus (Links to an external site.). |
NVivo gives you a place to organize, store and retrieve your data so you can work more efficiently, save time and rigorously back up findings with evidence. Import data from virtually any source – text, audio, video, emails, images, spreadsheets, online surveys, social and web content and more. With advanced data management, query and visualization tools, NVivo lets you ask complex questions of your data so you can discover more and features best-in-class accessibility options for all researchers.
Participants will gain experience to the following NVivo functionality:
1. Working with documents, surveys, transcripts, and social media 2. Thematic nodes 3. Case classifications 4. Visualizations |
5. Sentiment 6. Memos and annotations 7. Working in a multi-user environment |
(1) Take Workshops, (2) Pass Quizzes, (3) Become a Data Scholar
Interested in becoming a Data Scholar?
Takes only six workshops! |
Pick any Two Categories Below, Take at Least Two Workshops from Each of Those Categories: (Total of 4)
Pick any One Category Below, Take at Least Two Workshops from That Category:
(Total of 2)
* Becoming a Data Scholar is not mandatory. Take any workshop you like.
Launch NVivo 12 Plus
Create New Project
Import State of the Union Addresses
Click Nodes under Quick Access or under Codes | |
Create New Node named International Relations and additional child nodes
In the Bush-1991 Jan 29 view, select
The community of nations has resolutely gathered to condemn and repel lawless aggression and drag to the International Relations node. |
In the same paragraph, locate one phrases or sentences for each of the two child nodes and code them. | |
Select the International Relations node and on the top ribbon, click Properties and select Aggregate Coding from Children | |
Click somewhere inside the speech to activate the Document Tools tab on the top ribbon.
Then click Coding Stripes and select All Coding |
Click Import on the top ribbon and then click Excel.
Browse to the \NVivo-Workshop-Presidential-Materials\Survey-TrumpVoters\ directory and select Presidential-NVivo.xlsx and click Open.
Click Next on the Survey Import Wizard intro page.
Click Next on the Check Your Data Format page.
Click Next on the Manage Your Survey Respondents page. |
Set Phrase that Represents You as Open Ended
Set Why Voting for Trump as Open Ended
Next --> Uncheck Auto code themes --> Uncheck Auto code sentiment
Finish! |
Now Import Transcript as a Word Document | |
Then use the Auto Code Source to import mcentyre lumpkin |
Word Frequency for all documents | |
Click the vertical Word Cloud on the right to view a word cloud | ![]() |
Explore Grouping Functions | |
Create Node from laughs | |
Text Search |
Exercise: Find all instances of America within 5 words of great
Click Save Results to save to Node |
"america great"~5 |
Autocode thematic nodes for the survey of Trump voters in 2016 | |
Chart exploration of gender and various political opinions ---- In the Explore tab on the top ribbon, click Chart and select Charts ----------------------
Select the chart you would like to generate: Coding Next Select the coding chart you would like to generate: Coding by case attribute value for multiple codes Next Nodes: Browse and expand Nodes and select Autocoded Themes
All attribute values except 'Unassigned', 'Not Applicable'
X-axis attribute: Gender Y-axis: Number of coding references Attribute value display order: Descending Y-axis value Finish |
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Two primary ways to add notes to NVivo
Use NCapture, a web browser extension, to quickly and easily capture content like web pages, online PDFs and social media for analysis in NVivo.
Calculate sentiment for imported Twitter data | |
The basic framework is thus: There should be a master version of the NVivo project. Each coder should get a copy of this project. When coding is complete, or if you would prefer at regular intervals, each coder's version is merged back into the master version. The master version will preserve everyone's codes, and will record using initials, differences and commonality among codes.
To merge back into the master, Import Project.
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