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Data & Digital Scholarship Tutorials



Title: Introduction to GIS: Business Analyst Online


Presenter: Jonathan Cook, Research Scientist, Center for Spatial Research


Date: Spring 2019


Tutorial: Analyze Markets Using ArcGIS Business Analyst


A series of hands-on workshops designed to help Baylor researchers increase their understanding about digital research methods (techniques), hardware and software tools, and available data sources.

Reasons to become a Data Scholar

  •     Improve your research skill set
  •     Make your resume shine

Interested in becoming a Data Scholar? Just attend four (4) workshops:

Graduate Students, Faculty, Staff, Alumni:


Attend at least two Applied Data Research Workshops

Attend at least one Data Content Workshop

Attend at least one Data Research Management Workshop
 Undergraduate Students:


Attend one Applied Data Research Workshop

Attend one Data Content Workshop

Attend at least two additional workshops from any category


Data Scholars will be honored in a ceremony on Monday, May 6, at 2pm.


Go to the ArcGIS Public Account website - - and create an account.  Use your Baylor email address.


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