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Evidence Synthesis

Evidence Synthesis Process: Identifying

Identifying: Identifying all the possible studies that address your question is key to a rigorous systematic review. Your initial searches should yield hundreds if not thousands of citations. Some steps can be done concurrently. For example, one team member can work on searching databases while another works on searching the grey literature.

Identifying Step
Identify databases you will search

Including both general and subject specific databases.

Create a search based on your research question

Using advanced search strategies such as combining synonyms with OR and using wildcards and proximity operators to find variants.

Translate the search For each database using appropriate controlled vocabulary and correct syntax.
Store the results of each search

Separately, using a citation manager.

Document each search


  • number of citations
  • exact search string
  • database
  • date search was run
  • any limits applied
Search grey literature

Such as:

  • theses
  • conference proceedings
  • repositories
  • government documents
  • clinical trial registries

to address publication bias

Search other sources Such as reference lists, relevant journals that are not entirely indexed in databases, and researcher bibliographies.
Helpful Tools

University Libraries

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