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Provides information on the most current version of RefWorks

RefWorks Overview

RefWorks Loga RefWorks is a cloud-based tool (comparable to and compatible with EndNote and Zotero) that builds and organizes a personal database of citations found through research by importing the citations from online resources including:  online library systems (OneSearch), online resources to which the Baylor Libraries subscribe, PDFs, and web pages. Citations can be collected from online resources or added manually, organized in folders, incorporated into research papers, and automatically formatted for end notes or footnotes or bibliographies using specified styles (APA, Chicago, MLA, etc.).

RefWorks uses a rich database structure which gives users the ability to add detailed notes and other information to individual citations and PDFs.  Because this information is stored in a database, a researcher's RefWorks account becomes her personal research database, which can be searched for needed information. 

Additionally, all or part of a RefWorks account can be shared with others -- including individuals not affiliated with Baylor University -- with whom a researcher may be collaborating.

Getting Started

To get started with the most current version of RefWorks, all you need to do is set up an account or migrate your existing account.

In the future, you can login to RefWorks using your Baylor e-mail address and the password you just created.

Migrate to New RefWorks

If you have an existing RefWorks account, easily migrate your account to new RefWorks by doing the following:

  1. Login to your legacy RefWorks account.
  2. Click on the "Move to the newest version of RefWorks from ProQuest." link located in the top left side of the display.
  3. Login to new RefWorks using the same credentials you use with your legacy RefWorks account.
  4. After you've completed the login, all of the data from your legacy RefWorks account will be migrated to new RefWorks, including the folder structure..
  5. Login to your new RefWorks account using:

You can continue to use/access your legacy RefWorks account by logging in to  Note; Any changes you make in your legacy account will not be transferred to your new account; nor will changes you make in your new account be transferred to your legacy account.

RefWorks Menu Icon Guide

Below is a key to the main RefWorks menu.

Install "Save to RefWorks" Button

By adding the "Save to RefWorks" button to your browser(s), you can capture information from any web page -- in some instances including the full text of articles. You will also be able to add/change the metadata before or after you save the citation(s) to your RefWorks library. By using the information on this page (you'll need to login to your RefWorks account), you can drag and drop the "Save to RefWorks" button on your browser's "Favorites" bar. Note: The "Favorites" bar needs to be visible and unlocked in order to complete this action.  Consult the "Help" information for the browser you use for more information if the "Favorites" bar doesn't display. Additionally, your browser may not support the drag and drop option. This documentation will provide information on adding "Save to RefWorks" to your browser manually.


Setting up different projects in your RefWorks account enables you to work collaboratively with others on specific research activities. Note, don't substitute projects for "folders". If there's no need to work collaboratively with other researchers, there may be little value for you to create separate projects. The video below provides more details.

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