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Evidence Synthesis

Evidence Synthesis Process: Planning

Planning: Every type of review needs to start with planning. As you plan, you may have to revise the type of review you conduct. You do not have to follow these steps in a strict order. For example, you might form the team first and then establish the research question afterward as a group.

Planning Step
Determine the purpose of the review

To help you decide what type of review you want to conduct.

Pose a research question

Which should use an established framework, if possible.

Conduct exploratory searches

To identify:

  • existing reviews
  • assess the potential volume of relevant studies
  • locate 2-4 sample studies
Determine whether the project is feasible

Based on time, resources, originality, relevance, etc.

Pick a team

Of at least 3-6 members, including:

  • subject experts
  • method experts
  • information experts
Select preliminary synthesis and analysis methods

Will depend on types of studies (can be qualitative, quantitative, or integrative--a review that integrates both quantitative and qualitative studies)

Design a protocol

Includes eligibility criteria, a timeline, data management, and project management.

May be tweaked as the research progresses but gives direction for the project.

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