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Journal and Search Alerts for Business

Alerts are a great way to stay current with your research. This guide will help with setting up alerts with several of the large database providers.

Do you have an Emerald Insight account?

Have you signed up for your account in Emerald management xtra?  It's free and comes with several benefits.  Once signed up, you will be able to set up, review and edit your alerts & saved searches, and marked lists.. You will also be able to update your details. To register, click on the Register link in the top right of the page.

For students, scroll to the bottom of the page and look for the green envelop and the link that will take you to a page to register for alerts and updates.


Search Alerts

After you have completed a search in the Emerald xtra database, you will be given the option of adding the search to your alert profile.  By following the instructions below, you can add a search to your alerts:

  • Click on the Save Search option


  • Once you have clicked on this link, a page listing all of your saved searches will appear.

Each time new articles are added to the database, you will receive a brief citation of any new articles that match your search criteria.

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