Now that you have your searches saved, here are some of your options:
Once you have performed a search, the Create alert link is available in the following places:
Create or modify a search alert
Both the Create alert and Modify alert popups contain the following steps and associated fields. You need to be signed into your My Research account.
Review search details
Define your alert email
Define your alert content
Include search details: Do you want the following information included in your alert?
Schedule your alert
Send: Specify how frequently ProQuest should run your alert.
If you choose to receive alerts weekly, you can also specify the day of the week that your alerts is sent.
Stop after: Specify when you no longer want to receive the alert.
Important to know — You will receive an alert renewal reminder when your alert is about to expire. The reminder email will present you with the same options listed above, allowing you to extend the alert. The reminder also provides you with the option to delete the alert.
After creating a My Reseach account in ProQuest, you will be able to set up journal alerts which will notify you of new journal content. To view or modify your alerts, you will need to be signed into your account.
Follow these steps to set up a journal alert:
You will receives a confirmation email notifying you that your alert has been created.
You can view and manage all of your alerts when you are signed into your My Research account. If you don’t have an account, check out the benefits.
Click the Alerts tab at the top of your My Research page. The Alerts page displays the list of any search or publication alerts that you’ve created. By default, your alerts are listed in the order you created them, with your newest alert listed first.
You can:
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