By setting up a user account in EBSCO (My EBSCO), you will have these options for your saved searches.
Combine searches - By checking the appropriate box, then clicking either Search with And or Search with Or buttons, you can combine searches.
Set up alerts - By clicking on the RSS button locate next to your search terms, you can set up search alerts or RSS feeds for your search results.
View results from your searches
Edit your searches
Delete your searches
Setting up a Journal Alert
1. Click on the Publications link at the top of the page. The Publications screen should appear; then enter the title in the Browse Publications box and click browse.
2. From the journal's Publication Details Screen, click the Share link, then click the E-mail Alert link.
3. Enter your information to set up your alert.
4. Click Save Alert.
Saving a search as an alert
1. Run your search and view results
2. Click on Create Alert button located beside searches boxes
3. If you have not signed into your account or created an account, do so now