Locating your industry code (NAICS code)for your company is the first step to locating more information about the company and the industry in which the company operates. This should be included as part of the basic information on each company. Please keep in mind that many companies operate under multiple industry codes, so a decision may have to be made as to which one to use. Remember -- if an industry code does not look correct for the company, double check with another resource.
The following resources can be used to locate company information which includes the industry code(s) for that company.
The first time you use PrivCo, you will need to set up an account associated with your Baylor e-mail address.
Provides market research reports and forecasts in 25 distinct verticals and provides more information through partnerships with other market research providers.
Provides access to industry research and company benchmarking reports.
Provides searchable news and market research from the National Sporting Goods Association and other industry sources.
Provides online access to major publications and company information from Standard and Poor's.
Market share data for companies is not collected officially by any one group. There is no one resource that can be used to locate market share data for every company or product.
Be prepared for different numbers as you look at different resources. Market share numbers will differ due to the methodologies used. Is it the entire automobile industry or just compact automobiles? Is it 1st quarter for this year or 3rd quarter for last year? U.S or global market???
Just because you did not find information for your company in one of the electronic resources does not mean that you can not get market share information. You can still calculate an estimated market share for your company. There are several different ways this can be done.
Ex: Company X made $65,000 in sales last year. Industry sales were 750,000 65,000/750,000 * 100 = 8.6%
Ex: TalkTime sold 35,000 phones in the 1st quarter. So far, there have been 450,000 phones sold industry-wide.
35,000/450,000 * 100 = 7.7%
Another possible way to look at this is by the number of customers served:
Shiney Bright is a window cleaning service that cleans windows for businesses within a 30 mile radius of the business. There are 25,000 businesses that are potential clients. Last year, Shiney Bright cleaned windows for 9500 businesses.
9500/25000 * 100 = 38%
Information that you need to calculate market share can be found in your company's financials, industry reports, Economic Census, etc.
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