What information do you need to cite a company or industry profile? Here is what you need:
Basic format: Publishing entity or Author, A. (pub date: year, month day). Report or information used. Retrieved from database name.
Name of Author Organization. (Date). Title of company profile [Company profile]. Retrieved date, from URL
Mergent, Inc. (n.d.). Caterpillar Inc (NYS:CAT) [Company profile]. Retrieved September 14, 2021, from http://www.mergentonline.com
Nexis Uni company profile brings together information from a number of different sources. Please cite the source for the information that you used (ie- Hoovers, Morningstar, S&P).
Name of Author Organization. (Date). Title of company profile [Company profile]. Retrieved date, from URL
CI Technology Database. (March 2021). Pepsico. https://advance.lexis.com/api/document?collection=company-financial&id=urn:contentItem:62PG-CKH1-F0RF-T4SG-00000-00&context=1516831.
Citation Example: Company Profiles
Name of Author Organization. (Date). Title of company profile [Company profile]. Retrieved date, from URL
D&B Hoovers. (n.d.). Toyota Motor Corporation [Company profile]. Retrieved September 14,2021, from http://www.mergentonline.com/Hoovers
Citation Example: Other Company Details
Name of Author Organization. (Date). Title of page. Retrieved date, from URL
D&B Hoovers. (n.d.). Toyota Motor Corporation company history. Retrieved September 14, 2021, from http://www.mergentonline.com/Hoovers
Name of Author Organization. (Date). Title of company profile [Company profile]. Retrieved date, from URL
PrivCo Media Inc. (n.d.). H.E.B.[Company profile]. Retrieved September 14, 2021, from https://www.privco.com
S&P NetAdvantage (n.d.). Expedia Group Inc. [Public Company Profile] Retrieved from Standard and Poor's NetAdvantage.
Basic format: Analyst lastname, first initial. (if available) (date published , posted or updated). profile name. Retrieved from database name.
Silver, S. (2011, February 24). Industry Surveys: Biotechnology. Retrieved from S&P Net Advantage database. https://www.capitaliq.com/CIQDotNet/my/dashboard.aspx
Bizminer. (2012, December). Local market research:cookie bakeries Dallas, TX metro area, [Dataset]. https://www.bizminer.com/
Basic format: Company name. report title. source or database name. Web. access date.
Starbucks Corporation. (2012, September 30). Form 8-K. Retrieved from http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/829224/000082922412000007/sbux-9302012x10k.htm
Harley-Davidson Motor Company. (2019). 2018 10-K form. www.mergentonline.com
Coca-Cola. (2019). 2018. annual report. https://investors.coca-colacompany.com/filings-reports/annual-filings-10-k
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