* Recent amendments to holdings policy:
See B. Holdings Policy tab (immediately to the right above) in this libguide for further details.
1) Critical commentaries are located in Moody Library:
Most titles held in Moody Third Floor circulate.* However, some do not. Please see tab B for further details regarding the status of non-circulating commentaries in the general collection.
2) While some commentary series are grouped together as series on the shelf, generally, individual volumes from commentary series are grouped by Subject (i.e., Bible book) on shelf.
3) However, most commentary series in the collection have a searchable series tag attached to the individual catalog record for each volume of the series.
4) You can locate a particular volume from a commentary series by running a keyword search for the volume and series.
5) To locate the volume on the shelf, simply note its location (see 1 above), copy down the call number of the item ( in the present example, BS2575.3 L8913 2007) and proceed to the shelf range where that call number is held.
6) If you are having trouble locating an item that should be in the shelf range, please seek staff assistance.
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