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Moody Makerspace

Creative Making Pathways

We have officially launched our Creative Making Pathways Canvas course for training on everything you need to be successful in the Moody Makerspace and beyond!

Click the above link, self-enroll in the course, and then start working your way through the modules to hone your skills! As you advance through the modules, you will earn digital badges to show off as a testament to your making expertise! 

Available now: 

  • Orientation + Basic Shop Safety
  • 3D Printing (Level 1)
  • Cutting Machines (Level 1) 

Group Workshops

For equipment that doesn't currently have Creative Making Pathways training modules available, we offer in-person group workshops!

Scan the column of events on the left side of the page to see what's coming up in the next month, or click the image to the right to be taken to our ELC Events page and browse for a free workshop later in the semester!


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One Bear Place #97148
Waco, TX 76798-7148

(254) 710-6702