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RefWorks Citation Manager

The RefWorks Citation Manager replaces Write-N-Cite and is available only for Word 2016 for both Windows and Macintosh and provides a more sophisticated interface for using your RefWorks library with Word 2016.  The RefWorks Citation Manager functions with the legacy version of RefWorks, as well as the new version. It is not a plug-in for Microsoft Word but an application obtained from the "Store". 

When working with a Word 2016 (or more recent) document that will use your RefWorks library, do the following to obtain the RefWorks Citation Manager:

  1. Open a Word 2016 document.
  2. From the "Insert" tab, click on the "Get Add-ins" icon.
  3. From the "Office Add-ins" page search for "refworks".
  4. Click on the "Add" button located to the right of "RefWorks Citation Manager" option.
  5. The RefWorks Citation Manager app displays in a side panel to the right of your Word document.
  6. Login to your RefWorks account.
  7. If asked which version of RefWorks to use, select the version you are using.  The RefWorks Citation Manager was designed to work with the new version of RefWorks, but it will also work with the legacy version of RefWorks.
  8. If you have set up more than one Project, you'll need to select the Project appropriate for the paper you are writing.
  9. Once you have logged in to your RefWorks account, you will have access to your RefWorks library, including the ability to:
    • search your RefWorks library;
    • move to specific folders;
    • sort the citations by dates added, accessed, or published, by author, or by title;
    • change citation styles; and more.
  10. In the future, when you need the RefWorks Citation Manager, go to the "Insert" tab in Word, click on the pull-down arrow associated with "My Add-ins", and select "RefWorks Citation Manager".

Because the RefWorks Citation Manager behaves like the Google docs add-on, you can review the Google docs add-on information provided in the ProQuest RefWorks guide for more details in using the RefWorks Citation Manager app.


Write-N-Cite integrates with Microsoft Word and provides the ability to embed citations in your work as you are writing and to format your paper based on the writing style (APA, Chicago, MLA, etc.) you need.  Write-N-Cite is available for both Windows and Macintosh computers, with some caveats:

  • WNC for Windows works best with Word 2013 and 2016 (32 bit versions). 
  • WNC will not work with Word 2007 or Windows 7, both which are no longer supported by Microsoft.
  • WNC for the Mac will not work with Word 2016.
  • For Word 2016 use the RefWorks Citation Manager, which provides a more sophisticated interface
    • for both Windows and Mac; and
    • for both the legacy and new versions of RefWorks. 

For additional information, ProQuest provides specific details on Write-N-Cite system requirements for both Windows and Macintoshes.

To install Write-N-Cite, login to your RefWorks account, and do the following:

  1. Click on the "More" iconand select "Tools". 
  2. Click on the "Download and Install" button for the installation that is appropriate for your version of Word (32-bit or 64-bit).  
  3. Note, to obtain the Macintosh version of WNC, click on the "How do I tell which version of Word I am running?" link, and then the "Mac" radio button.
  4. Once Write-N-Cite is installed, view this video for an overview on it's functions or review the information provided by RefWorks in the "Working With Write-N-Cite" section of their guide.

Resolving Issues With Fonts That Change When Using WNC

When using Write-N-Cite, you may notice that whenever you add references, add a bibliography using an output style, or change the output style the font for the references and bibliography change.  This issue is assocated with the way MS Word functions; WNC uses the default "Normal" style setting in MS Word.  To change the format of the font in MS Word follow the instructions below:

  1. Create a block of text using the style that you wish to appear as "Normal" -- the default font and paragraph style that MS Word will use whenever you create a new document.
  2. Make sure to set not just the text's font and size but also the paragraph styling.  Select something within the block of text that you just created, right click, and then choose "Paragraph".
  3. Set the line spacing, indentation, and alignment.
  4. Next, select some of the finished text, right click, and select "Styles".
  5. Click, "Update Normal to Match Selection".
  6. Finally, to make this style permanent for new documents, in the Word ribbon, click "Change Styles" and "Set as Default".

The following instructions are based on MS Word 2013 for Windows:

  1. Install Write-N-Cite. Once installed, it will appear in the "RefWorks" tab of all MS Word documents.
  2. Open a Microsoft Word document after you have installed Write-n-Cite.
  3. The first time you will need to log in to your RefWorks account. Click on the "RefWorks" tab located on the far right of the various tabs.
  4. Click on the "Log In" link. When given the choice, click on the "Log In With The New RefWorks" bar (not RefWorks Classic).
  5. Select the style (APA, MLA, Turabian, etc.) for your paper by selecting the appropriate style from the "Style" pull-down menu. This menu contains the 6 most recently used styles.  If you need a style that is not listed, you'll need to set that style in your RefWorks account and then click on the "Sync My Database" link to bring the new style to the pull-down list in Write-n-Cite.
  6. Start writing your paper.  At the point that you want to add a citation:
    • Click on the "Insert Citation” and "Insert New"link.
    • Search or browse for the appropriate citation and click on the appropriate citation. A preview of the citation will appear.
    • Click on the "OK" button to return to writing your paper.
    • Any time you need to return to the Insert/Edit Citation window for any specific citation, simply double click on the appropriate citation in your Word document.
  7. If you need multiple citations associated with a single reference:
    • Click on the + button to the right of the "Compose Citation" box.
    • Search or browse for the appropriate citation and click on it to add it to this reference.
    • Repeat this process for each additional citation to be added to the single reference.
    • Click on the "OK" button to return to writing your paper.
  8. If you need to add additional information to citations -- specific page numbers, or a note, for example:
    • Use the "Edit References" function in the Insert/Edit Citation window and select or deselect the options needed to modify your citation.
    • Click the "OK" button to see a preview of the changes.
    • Click the "OK" button again to save the changes.
  9. At any time, you can add the bibliography of works cited to your paper:
    • Place teh cursor where you want the bibliography to appear.
    • Select "Insert Bibliography" from the "Bibliography Options" pull-down menu.
    • As you continue to add references to your paper, the references list will continue to grow.
  10. If you need to change the style for your paper, select tne new style from the "Style" pull-down menu. If you need a style that is not listed, you'll need to set that style in your RefWorks account and then click on the "Sync My Database" link to bring the new style to the pull-down list in Write-n-Cite.

You may also want to view this brief video on using Write-n-Cite.

Using RefWorks with Google Docs

RefWorks provides an "Add-on" to enable the use of your RefWorks library in the Google Docs environment.  This option is particularly valuable when collaborating to write Google Doc because you can "invite" other collaborators to use RefWorks for Google Docs. To obtain the add-on, do the following:

  1. Open a new Google doc.
  2. Select "Get Add-ons" from the "Add-ons" menu.
  3. Search for "RefWorks".
  4. Click on the "Free" button to the right of the "ProQuest RefWorks" add-on option.
  5. Click on the "Allow" button to accept the conditions associated with using this add-on to complete the process.
  6. The RefWorks add-on is now located in your "Add-on" menu for this document.

Use this process anytime you want to incorporate RefWorks in a Google Doc.

The RefWorks Google docs add-on works very much like the Reference Citation Manager for Word 2016. Start writing your paper.  When you are ready to insert a citation, do the following:

  1. From the "Add-ons" menu, select "ProQuest RefWorks" and then "Manage citations".
  2. If this is the first time using the RefWorks add-on, you will need to login to your RefWorks account.
  3. After logging in, your RefWorks library will be available from the right side panel.

More detailed information can be found from the ProQuest RefWorks guide.

Obtaining Appropriate Styles

RefWorks provides a multitude of styles (APA, Chicago, MLA, Turabian, etc.) to use for formatting papers.  Most people only use one or two styles in their disciplines.  RefWorks will "remember" a list of the 6 styles you have used most recently. To obtain one or more styles that you expect to use, do the following:

  1. In the very bottom right corner of the browser, you will see a pull-down menu associated with "Normal View" or "Full View" or "Citation View". 
  2. Click on this menu to display the list of views, and then click on the  icon located to the right of "Citation View".
  3. The "Citation View Settings" window displays, with a list of the 6 styles you have used most recently.
  4. Use the search box to find the style you want to add to this list.  You can search for a specific style, like "chicago" or you can look for a specific journal that may have it's own style, like "new england journal of medicine".
  5. From the search results, click on the style you want available and then click on the "Save" button.
  6. This action will remove one style from your list (if you already had 6) and add this new style.
  7. This action will also display your references formatted in this style.  If you prefer to the "Normal View" display, select "Normal View" from the pull-down menu in the lower right corner of the display.
  8. The citations to which you have access in Write-n-Cite are controlled with through these actions.  To get a recently added style to display in Write-n-Cite, you may need to use the "Sync My Database" button in Write-n-Cite. 

Creating a Bibliography Only

There may be times when you simply need to produce a bibliography -- outside of a formal paper.  This is easily accomplished by doing the following:

  1. Ideally, select the folder that contains the citations for the bibliography.  If the citations are in multiple folders, use the "All Documents" option that displays at the top of the left sidebar.
  2. Select "Quick Cite" from the "Create Bibliography menu.
  3. This action opens a new window and steps you through the process of creating your bibliography
    • Choose the citation style.  If the citation style you need isn't in the pull-down menu, use the search function to find the style you need. Click the "Continue" button. The full list of citations from the folder or "All Documents" will display.
    • If you want to use all of the citations, click the "Continue to bibliography" button to create your bibliography.
    • If you want to use only selected citations, click the star icon tot he right of each citation you want to use, then click the "Continue to bibliography" button.
    • The completed bibliography is displayed.  Click the"Copy to Clipboard" button.
  4. Paste the bibliography into your Word document.

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