If you have downloaded PDFs to your local computer, you can drag and drop them into your RefWorks library. Two caveats:
- If the PDF is just an image of the article, chapter, report, etc., RefWorks will be unable to find any metadata (author, title, journal title, etc.) about the article. Nor will RefWorks be able to search the full text. You can identify a PDF that is an image when you click on a page, and the entire page highlights instead of individual words.
- RefWorks ability to analyze the metadata associated with the PDF is limited to the quality of the metadata associated with the PDF, so after using "Drag and Drop" to put a PDF into your RefWorks library, check the metadata to make sure it is accurate.
To perform drag and drop, do the following:
- Since you can drag a PDF (or multiple PDFs) to any folder in your RefWorks library, be sure to select the appropriate folder for the PDF.
- Click and drag the PDF(s) from your computer to the appropriate folder in your RefWorks library.
- Depending on the number of PDFs and the size of the PDF(s), the amount of time it takes RefWorks to analyze and upload the PDF can vary.
- Once the PDFs have been transferred to your RefWorks library, you can view, edit the metadata, and associate them with appropriate subject folders. Remember, the best time to edit citations and associate them with subject folders is when they are first imported into RefWorks.