Use folders to organize your citations. By default, RefWorks provides 3 folders:
In addition to the default folders, you can create an unlimited number of user-defined folders and subfolders. Click the "New Folder" button at the top of the display.
The actions listed below help manage folders in RefWorks. These actions can be found by clicking on the vertical dots icon to the right of any folder.
You can easily associate citations with one or more folders.
To remove a citaiton from a folder, select the citation to be removed, and click the "Remove from Folder" tool that appears to the immediate right of the printer icon. If there is only one citation in the folder, use the "Clear Folder" function to remove the citation from the folder.
You can share specific folders -- or your entire RefWorks database -- with others. The people with whom you share the folders may or may not be affiliated with Baylor University; they do not have to have a RefWorks account or be at an insitution that supports RefWorks in order for you to share with them. To share a folder, do the following:
Note that these functions are also available if you click on the folder link in the "Folders" list located on the right side of the display, just above the "Quick Links" list.
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