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Creations@Baylor Celebrating Faculty Scholarship: 2012

The Creations@Baylor exhibit celebrates the scholarly achievements of the Baylor University faculty and includes books, articles, artworks, music scores, CDs, poster presentations, and other works considered scholarly by the faculty member's discipline.

2012 Creations@Baylor exhibit programs

Below are the programs for the Spring 2012 and Fall 2012 Creations@Baylor exhibits.  These list the faculty participants for both exhibits.

2012 Faculty Scholarly Contributions, A - C


Alexander, Kara P.
College of Arts & Sciences

Alexander, Kara Poe. "Successes, Victims and Prodigies: "Master" and "Little" Cultural Narratives in the Literacy Narrative Genre." College Composition and Communication. (62(4), 2011): 608-633.

Alexander, Kara Poe, Joanna Wolfe and Cynthia Britt. "Teaching the IMRaD Genre: Sentence Combining and Pattern Practice Revisited." Journal of Business and Technical Communication. (25(2), 2011): 119-158.

Alexander, Kara Poe. "Collaborative composing: Practices and strategies for implementing team projects into writing classrooms." Collaborative Learning and Writing: Essays on Using Small Groups in Teaching English and Composition. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2012, 181-200.


Allen, Peter M.
College of Arts & Sciences

Stinchcomb, Gary E., Steven G. Driese, Lee C. Nordt, and Peter M. Allen. "A mid to late Holocene history of floodplain and terrace reworking along the middle Delaware River valley, USA." Geomorphology. (169-170, 2012): 123-141.


Anderson, Mark W.
College of Arts & Sciences

Anderson, Mark. "Memory Paradox." Catalog of 20/20 Vision: The Art of Contemporary University Printmaking. Louisville, GA: Firehouse Gallery, 2011.


Arnold, David M.
College of Arts & Sciences

Arnold, David M., Adolf Mader, Otto Mutzbauer and Ebru Solak. "Almost completely decomposable groups and unbounded representation type." Journal of Algebra. (349, 2011): 50-62.

Arnold, David M., Adolf Mader, Otto Mutzbauer, Ebru Solak. "Almost Completely Decomposable Groups and Unbounded Representation Type." Journal of Algebra. (349, 2012): 50-62.


Arnone, Francesca M.
Division of Instrumental Studies
School of Music

Arnone, Francesca. "Remembering William Alwyn." The Flutist Quarterly. (37.4, 2012): 22-26.


Askins, Sally L.
Theater Arts
College of Arts & Sciences

Askins, Sally. Bottom's Donkey Headdress. 2012.

Askins, Sally Lynn. Argos puppet. 2011.


Atchley, Stacy C.
College of Arts & Sciences

Nordt, Lee C., Charles T. Hallmark, Steven G. Driese, Steven I. Dworkin, and Stacey C. Atchley. "Biogeochemical characterization of a lithified paleosol: Implications for the interpretation of ancient Critical Zones." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. (87, 2012): 267-282.


Baier, Margaret E.
Family & Consumer Sciences
College of Arts & Sciences

Yoo, Jeung-Ju, John Jacob, and Margaret Baier. "Adolescent boys' grooming product use and perceived health risks: An exploration of parental influence." Health Education Journal. (71.3, 2012): 299-308.


Baird, Robert M.
College of Arts & Sciences

Baird, Robert and Stuart E. Rosenbaum. The Death Penalty: Debating the Moral, Legal, and Political Issues. Cerritos, CA: Prometheus Press, 2011.


Beauregard, Matthew A.
College of Arts & Sciences

Beauregard, Matthew A. and Qin Sheng. "A semi-adaptive compact splitting method for the numerical solution of 2-dimensional quenching problems." Applied Mathematics and Computation. (218, 2012): 11240-11254.


Bellinger, William H.
College of Arts & Sciences

Bellinger, William H. Leviticus, Numbers. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2012.

Bellinger, William H. Psalms: A Guide to Studying the Psalter. 2nd. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2012.


Blackwell, Frieda H. 
College of Arts & Sciences
College of Arts & Sciences

Blackwell, Frieda. "Decadent Spaces, Valle-Inclan's Sonata de otono, European decadence and the 'Problema de Espana'." Cauce. Revista international de Filologia Comunicacion y sus didacticas. (32-33, 2011): 31-44.

Blackwell, Frieda. "The Madman as Detective: Eduardo Mendoza's El misterio de la cripta embrujada." Monographic review/Revista Monografica. (26, 2011).


Bostic, Heidi L.
Modern Foreign Languages
College of Arts & Sciences

Bostic, Heidi. "Luce Irigaray - 'La democratie ne peut se passer d'une culture de la difference' Translation." Eco-Critical Theory: New European Approaches. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2011, 194-205.

Bostic, Heidi. "The Recent Work of Luce Irigaray." L'Esprit Createur. (52.3, 2012): 1-10.

Bostic, Heidi. "Literary Women, Reason, and the Fiction of Enlightenment." The French Review. (85.6, 2012): 1024-1038.

Bostic, Heidi. "Review of Ann Lewis, 'Sensibility, Reading and Illustration: Spectacles and Signs in Graffigny, Marivaux and Rousseau'." The French Review. (84.5, 2011): 1029-1030.

Bostic, Heidi. "The Difference She Makes: Staging Gender Identity in Graffigny's Phaza." Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature. (29.2, 2011): 291-309.


Bradley, Charles R.
Division of Academic Studies
School of Music

Bradley, Randall. From Memory to Imagination: Reforming the Church's Music. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub., 2012.


Bratton, Susan P.
Environmental Science
College of Arts & Sciences

Bratton, Susan P. The Spirit of the Appalachian Trail: Community, Environment, and Belief on a Long-Distance Hiking Path. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press, 2012.


Brice, Tanya S.
School of Social Work
Social Work

Brice, Tanya Smith. "Faith as a protective factor against social mispreceptions of Black girls: A historical perspective." Social Work and Christianity: An international journal. (38(3), 2011): 315-331.


Brooks, Bryan W.
Environmental Science
College of Arts & Sciences

Brooks, Bryan and Christian G. Daughton. "Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients and Aquatic Organisms." Environmental Contaminants in Biota. 2nd. New York: CRC Press, 2011, 287-347.

Brooks, Bryan W. Human Pharmaceuticals in the Environment: Current and Future Perspectives. New York: Springer, 2012.

Brooks, Bryan W., James P. Grover, and Daniel L. Roelke. "An Emerging Threat to Inland Waters." Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. (30.9, 2011): 1955-1964.


Brucker, Mary C.
School of Nursing
School of Nursing

Bruckner, Mary C. and T. King. Pharmacology for Women's Health. Mass.: Jones & Bartlett, 2011.


Brunson, Rochelle R.
Family & Consumer Sciences
College of Arts & Sciences

Brunson, Rochelle R. and Marlene M. Reed. "Proton Cancer Therapy Center: An Entrepreneur's Dilemma." Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice. (35.5, 2011): 1091-1100.

Brunson, Rochelle R. and Marlene M. Reed. "Starbuck's Corporation - 2011 Case Study." Strategic Management Concepts and Cases. 14th. Upper saddle River, NJ: Pearson, 2011.


Bryan, Tommy J.
College of Arts & Sciences

Wilkerson, Trena L., Tommy Bryan and Jane Curry. "An Appetite for Fractions." Teaching Children Mathematics. (19.2, 2012): 90-99.


Burleson, Blake W.

College of Arts & Sciences
College of Arts & Sciences

Burleson, Blake. "The Baynes Film of Jung's 1925-26 Expedition to East Africa." Spring: Journal of Archetype and Culture. (85, 2011): 1-54.


Campbell, Richard W.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
School of Engineering and Computer Science

Russell, Dwight and Richard Campbell. "Exoplanet Transit Observations: TrES 3b." ETD - Exoplanet Transit Database. Czech Astronomical Society, 2011.


Carbonara, Corey P.
Communication Studies
College of Arts & Sciences

Korpi, Michael F. "A Stress Test for Creative and Innovative Management: Entrepreneurship in a War Zone." Global Perspectives on Technology Transfer and Commercialization: Building Innovative Ecosystems. Northhampton: Edward Elgar, 2011.


Castleberry, Marion D.
Theater Arts
College of Arts & Sciences

Castleberry, Marion. Farewell: Remembering Horton Foote: 1916-2009. Dallas, TX: Southern Methodist University Press, 2011.


Cleaver, Gerald B.
College of Arts & Sciences

Moore, Douglas; Jared Greenwald; Timothy Renner; Matthew Robinson; Cameron Buescher; Michael Janas; Gunner Miller; Scott Ruhnau, and Gerald B. Cleaver. "Systematic Investigations of the Free Fermionic Heterotic String Gauge Group Statisitcs: Layer 1 Results." Modern Physics Letters A. (26.32, 2011): 2411-2426.


Climent-Espino, Rafael
Spanish & Portuguese
College of Arts & Sciences

Climenti-Espino, Rafael. "Textualidades negativas: um novo traco de coesao na poesia modernista brasileira." Language and Literature Journal. City University of New York, (7.1, 2012): online.


Cloud, Robert C.
Department of Educational Administration
School of Education

Cloud, Robert C. "Economic Hardship Deferments and Income-Based Repayment Plans: Band-Aids on the Tumor of the Student Loan Crisis." Teachers College Record. 2012, online.

Cloud, Robert C. "Suspicionless Drug Testing of Public School Teachers and Other School Employees." West's Education Law Reporter. (282.1, 2012): 1-16.

Cloud, Robert C. "The Pledge of Allegiance: Patriotic Exercise or Religious Activity?." West's Education Law Reporter. (October 27, 2011): 25-40.

Fossey, Richard and Robert C. Cloud. "From the Cone of Uncertainty to the Dirty Side of the Storm: A Proposal to Provide Student-Loan Debtors Who Attended For-Profit Colleges with Reasonable Access to Bankruptcy Court." West's Education Law Reporter. (November 24, 2011): 1-18.


Cooper, Sandra B.
Department of Curriculum & Instruction
School of Education

Wilkerson, Trena L., Michael Kamen, Debra L. Junk, Stephen Marble, Sandra Cooper, Colleen M. Eddy, and Cameron Sawyer. "Walking the Talk: Lessons Learned by University Mathematics Methods Instructors Implementing Lesson Study for Their Own Professional Development." Lesson Study Research and Practice in Mathematics Education. New York: Springer, 2011.


Curry, James A.
Political Science
College of Arts & Sciences

Curry, James A. Constitutional Government: The American Experience. 8th. Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt Publishing, 2011.


Curry, Jane A.
Official Retiree

Wilkerson, Trena L., Tommy Bryan and Jane Curry. "An Appetite for Fractions." Teaching Children Mathematics. (19.2, 2012): 90-99.

2012 Faculty Scholarly Contributions, D - G


Davis, Charles E.
Accounting & Business Law
Hankamer School of Business

Davis, Charles and Elizabeth Davis. Managerial Accounting. 1st. John Wiley & Sons, 2011.


Davis, Elizabeth B.
Division of Academic Affairs

Davis, Charles and Elizabeth Davis. Managerial Accounting. 1st. John Wiley & Sons, 2011.


Davis, John M.
College of Arts & Sciences

DaCuhna, Jeffrey J. and John M. Davis. "A unified Floquet theory for discrete, continous, and hybrid periodic linear systems." Journal of Differential Equations. (251, 2011): 2987-3027.

Davis, John M. and Geoffrey Eisenbarth. The Positivstellensatz and Nonexistence of Common Quadratic Lyapunov Functions. Auburn University, Auburn, AL.: IEEE 43rd Southeastern Synposium on System Theory, 2011.

Davis, John M., Ian A. Gravagne, Robert J. Marks, II, and Billy J. Jackson. Regions of Exponential Stability for LTI Systems on Nonuniform Discrete Domains. Auburn University, Auburn, AL.: IEEE 43rd Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, 2011.


Davis, William V.
College of Arts & Sciences

Davis, William V. "An Old Story." The Harvard Review. (no. 40, 2011): 120-121.

Davis, William Virgil. "An Early November Meditation." Agni. (74, 2011): 150-152.


de Mesa, Maria C.
Chemistry and Biochemistry
College of Arts & Sciences

de Mesa, Maria Cecilia D. and Thomas D. McGrath. Student Solutions Manual for 'Chemistry: Principles and Reactions' (Masterton, Hurley and Neth). 7th. Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning, 2012.


Dilday, Russell H.
Honorary Retiree

Dilday, Russell. "Genealogy: Finding Out Who You Are; What the Wise Men from the West Teach Us; John the Humble Baptist; The Rainbow of God's Promises; Peacemakers Not Just Peacekeepers; Abraham: Industrial Strength Faith." Through the Bible in a Year. Dallas, TX: Baptistway Press, 2011, 22-27.


Dixon, Andrea L.
Hankamer School of Business

Dixon, Andrea and Jeff Tanner. "Eds. of Special Anniversary issue." Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management. (32, 2011).


Dougherty, Kevin D.
College of Arts & Sciences

Dougherty, Kevin D. and Andrew L. Whitehead. "A Place to Belong: Small Group Involvement in Religious Congregations." Sociology of Religion. (72(1), 2011): 91-111.


Driese, Steven G.
College of Arts & Sciences

Ahr, Steven W., Lee C. Nordt, and Steven G. Driese. "Assessing lithologic discontinuities and parent material uniformity within the Texas sandy mantle and implications for archaeological burial and preservation potential in upland settings." Quaternary Research. (78, 2012): 60-71.

Debra S. Jennings, David M. Lovelace and Steven G. Driese. "Differentiating paleowetland subenvironments using a multidisciplinary approach: an example from the Morrison Formation, south central Wyoming, USA." Sedimentary Geology. (238, 2011): 23-47.

Driese, Steven G. "Neoarchean paleoweathering of tonalite and metabasalt: implications for reconstructions of 2.69 Ga early terrestrial ecosystems and paleoatmospheric chemistry." Precambrian Research. (189, 2011): 1-17.

Driese, Steven G., Bryan S. Schultz, and Larry D. McKay. "Genesis of clay-rich soils from carbonate bedrock on upland surfaces in the Valley and Ridge Province, eastern Tennessee, USA." Southeastern Geology. (48, 2011): 1-22.

Dyar, M.D., M.L. Carmosino, J.M. Tucker, E.A. Brown, S.M. Clegg, R.C. Wiens, J.E. Barefield, J.S. Delaney, G.M. Ashley, S.G. Driese. "Remote laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy analysis of East African Rift sedimentary samples under Mars conditions." Chemical Geology. (294-295, 2012): 135-151.

Li, Zheng-Hua, Nicole Labbe, Steven G. Driese, and Henri D. Grissino-Mayer. "Micro-scale analysis of tree-ring d13C and d18O on a cellulose spline reveals high resolution intra-annual climate variability and tropical cyclone activity." Chemical Geology. (284, 2011): 138-147.

Mintz, Jason S., Steven G. Driese, Daniel O. Breecker, and Greg A. Ludvigson. "Influence of changing hydrology on pedogenic calcite precipitation in Vertisols, Dance Bayou, Brazoria County, TX: Implications for estimating paleoatmospheric pCO2." Journal of Sedimentary Research. (81, 2011): 394-400.

Nordt, Lee C., Charles T. Hallmark, Steven G. Driese, Steven I. Dworkin, and Stacey C. Atchley. "Biogeochemical characterization of a lithified paleosol: Implications for the interpretation of ancient Critical Zones." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. (87, 2012): 267-282.

Stinchcomb, G.E., T.C. Messner, S.G. Driese, L.C. Nordt, and R.M. Stewart. "Pre-colonial (A.D. 1,100 - 1,600) sedimentation related to prehistoric maize agriculture and climate change in eastern North America." Geology. (39, 2011): 363-366.

Stinchcomb, Gary E., Steven G. Driese, Lee C. Nordt, and Peter M. Allen. "A mid to late Holocene history of floodplain and terrace reworking along the middle Delaware River valley, USA." Geomorphology. (169-170, 2012): 123-141.

Vulava, Vijay M., Larry D. McKay, Mette M. Broholm, John F. McCarthy, Steven G. Driese, and Gary S. Sayler. "Dissolution and transport of coal tar compounds in fractured clay-rich residuum." Journal of Hazardous Materials. (203-204, 2012): 283-289.

Waters, Michael R., steven L. Forman, Thomas A. Jennings, Lee C. Nordt, Steven G. Driese, Joshua M. Feinburg, Joshua L. Keene, Jessi Halligan, Anna Lindquist, james Pierson, Charles T. Hallmark, Michael B. Collins, and James E. Wiederhold. "The Buttermilk Creek Complex and the Origins of Clovis at the Debra L. Friedkin Site, Texas." Science. (331, 2011): 1599-1603.


Driskell, Robyn L.
College of Arts & Sciences
College of Arts & Sciences

Lyon, Larry and Robyn Driskell. The Community in Urban Society. 2nd. Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press, Inc., 2012.


Dugas, Manfred H.
College of Arts & Sciences

Buckner,Joshua and Manfred Dugas. "Zassenhaus Algebras." Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics. (41.6, 2011).


Dworkin, Stephen I.
College of Arts & Sciences

Nordt, Lee C., Charles T. Hallmark, Steven G. Driese, Steven I. Dworkin, and Stacey C. Atchley. "Biogeochemical characterization of a lithified paleosol: Implications for the interpretation of ancient Critical Zones." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. (87, 2012): 267-282.


Evans, Jan E.
Spanish & Portuguese
College of Arts & Sciences

Evans, Jan E. "Unamuno's Passion for Immortality: Narcissism or Foundation for Religious Belief?." Journal of Christianity and Foreign Languages. (13, 2012): 27-39.


Fader, Jayne L.
Family & Consumer Sciences
College of Arts & Sciences

Fader, Jaynie. "Fields of green." Fashion Group International 20012 Career Day Conference. 2012.

Fader, Jaynie. "Red roses, red roses." Fashion Group International 2012 Career Day Conference. 2012.


Farmer, Patrick J.
Chemistry and Biochemistry
College of Arts & Sciences

Kumar, Murugaeson R., Adrian Zapata, Alejandro J. Ramirez, Sara K. Bowen, Wilson A. Francisco, and Patrick J. Farmer. "Nitrosyl hydride (HNO) replaces dioxygen in nitroxygenase activity of manganese quercetin dioxygenase." Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences of the United States of America. (108(47), 2011): 18926-18931.


Fucci, Guglielmo
College of Arts & Sciences

Flachi, Antonino and Guglielmo Fucci. "Zeta determinant for Laplace operators on Riemann caps." Journal of Mathematical Physics. (52.2, 2011): 023503-023523.

Fucci, Guglielmo. "On the Hurwitz zeta function of imaginary second argument." Journal of Mathematical Physics. (52.11, 2011): 113501-113516.

Fucci, Guglielmo and Klaus Kirsten. "The Casimir effect for conical pistons." Journal of high energy physics. (2011.3, 2011): 1-16.

Fucci, Guglielmo and Klaus Kirsten. "Bose-Einstein condensation on product manifolds." Journal of physics. A, Mathematical and theoretical. (44, 2011): 332002-332010.

Fucci, Guglielmo and Klaus Kirsten. "Cinical Casimir pistons with hybrid boundary conditions." Journal of physics. A, Mathematical and theoretical. (44, 2011): 295403-295426.


Fulton, Joe B.
College of Arts & Sciences

Fulton, Joe. "Sermons. American Literature." Oxford Bibliographies Online. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2012, online.


Fuselier, Bridget M.
School of Law
Law School

Fuselier, Bridget M. "The Wisdom of Solomon: We Cannot Split the Pre-Embryos." Cardozo Journal of Law & Gender. (17.3, 2011): 507-526.

Fuselier, Bridget M. "Home Sweet Homestead? Not If You Are Subject to a Mandatory Homeowners' Association!." St. Mary's Law Journal. (42.3, 2011): 793-836.


Gackle, Martha L.
Division of Ensembles
School of Music

Gackle, Lynne. Finding Ophelia's Voice, Opening Ophelia's Heart: Nurturing the Adolescent Female Voice. Dayton, OH: Heritage Music Press, 2011.


Gaines, Yoshiko F.
Asian and African Languages
College of Arts & Sciences

Gaines, Yoshiko Fujii and Yuko Prefume. "Exploring the Use of Popular TV Drama Series for a Group Project in a Foreign Language Course." Texas Foreign Language Association Fall Conference. Houston, TX.: 2011.


Garland, David E.
George W. Truett Seminary

Garland, David E. Luke. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 2011.

Garland, David E. and Diana R. Garland. Flawed families of the Bible : how God's grace works through imperfect relationships (Korean translation). Seoul,Korea: Baker Publishing Group/KCBS Literary Agency, 2011.

Garland, David E. and Diana R. Garland. Flawed families of the Bible : how God's grace works through imperfect relationships. (Russian translation). Novosibirsk, Russia: Posoch Publishing House, 2011.


Garland, Diana R.
School of Social Work
Social Work

Garland, David E. and Diana R. Garland. Flawed families of the Bible : how God's grace works through imperfect relationships (Korean translation). Seoul,Korea: Baker Publishing Group/KCBS Literary Agency, 2011.

Garland, David E. and Diana R. Garland. Flawed families of the Bible : how God's grace works through imperfect relationships. (Russian translation). Novosibirsk, Russia: Posoch Publishing House, 2011.

Garland, Diana. Family Ministry (rev.). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2012.

Garland, Diana R. and C.A. Argueta. "Unholy Touch: Church leaders and sexual misconduct with adults." The Church Leader's Counseling Resource Book. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011, 405-416.


Garner, Charles M.
Chemistry and Biochemistry
College of Arts & Sciences

Garner, Charles M. and Clara M. Dutton. Fourier Transformation (digital collage on paper). 2011.

Garner, Charles M. and Clara M. Dutton. Santonin (digital collage on paper). 2011.


Garrett, Gregory T.
College of Arts & Sciences

Garrett, Greg. Faithful Citizenship: Christianity and Politics for the 21st Century. Colorado: Patheos Press, 2012.

Garrett, Greg. The Other Jesus. Louisville: Westmister John Knox, 2011.

Garrett, Greg. "contributing writer." The Voice Bible: Step Into the Story of Scripture. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2012.


Garza, Baudelio
Spanish & Portuguese
College of Arts & Sciences

Garza, Baudelio. "La otra voz: el discurso autobiografico femenino en Mexico y el caso de Memorias de Espana, 1937de Elena Garro." Cauce. Revista internacional de Filologia, Comunicacion y sus Didacticas. (32-33, 2011): 45-56.


Gravagne, Ian A.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
School of Engineering and Computer Science

Davis, John M., Ian A. Gravagne, Robert J. Marks, II, and Billy J. Jackson. Regions of Exponential Stability for LTI Systems on Nonuniform Discrete Domains. Auburn University, Auburn, AL.: IEEE 43rd Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, 2011.


Grebenyova, Lydia A.
College of Arts & Sciences

Grebenyova, Lydia. "Acquisition of Multiple Questions in English, Russian, and Malayalam." Language Acquisitions: A Journal of Developmental Linguistics. (18.3, 2011): 139-175.


Green, Virginia
College of Arts & Sciences

Green, Virginia. Atmospheric Perspective. (wood & metal type, linoleum, letterpress printed), 2011.

Green, Virginia. Balance. (wood & metal type, linoleum, letterpress printed), 2011.

Green, Virginia. Contrast. (wood & metal type, linoleum, letterpress printed), 2011.

Green, Virginia. Movement. (wood & metal type, linoleum, letterpress printed), 2011.

Green, Virginia. Proportion. (wood & metal type, linoleum, letterpress printed), 2011.

Green, Virginia. Rhythm. (wood & metal type, linoleum, letterpress printed), 2011.

Green, Virginia. Value. (wood & metal type, linoleum, letterpress printed), 2011.

2012 Faculty Scholarly Contributions, H - K

2012 Faculty Scholarly Contributions, L - N


Larson, Paul E.
Spanish & Portuguese
College of Arts & Sciences

Larson, Paul E. "The river as a liminal space in Berceo's The fornicating sexton." Cauce. Revista internacional de Filologia, Comunicacion y sus Didacticas. (32-33, 2011): 57-68.


LeCompte, Karon N.
Department of Curriculum & Instruction
School of Education

Moore, Brandon, Karon N. LeCompte and Larry J. Kelly. "Challenge and Conflict to Educate: The Brazos Agency Indian School." Organization for Education Historians National Conference. Chicago, IL: 2011.


Leidner, Dorothy E.
Information Systems
Hankamer School of Business

Koch, Hope, Ester Gonzales and Dorothy Leidner. "Bridging the Work/Social Divide: The Emotional Response to Organizational Social Networking Sites." European Journal of Information Systems. (, 2012).


Lenells, Jonatan
College of Arts & Sciences

Grenwald, J., J. Lenells, J. X. Lu, V.H. Satheeshkumar and A. Wang. "Black holes and global structures of spherical spacetimes in Horava-Lifshitz theory." Physical Review D. (84, 2011): 084040-084065.

Lenells, J. and A.S. Fokas. "Boundary value problems for the stationary axisymmetric Einstein equations: a disk rotating around a black hole." Communications in Mathematical Physics. (304, 2011): 585-635.

Lenells, Jonatan. "An integrable generalization of the sine-Gordon equation on the half-line." IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics. (76.4, 2011): 554-572.

Lenells, Jonatan. "The solution of the global relation for the derivative nonlinear Schrodinger equation on the half-line." Physica D. (240, 2011): 512-525.

Lenells, Jonatan and A.S. Fokas. "Boundary value problems for the stationary axisymmetric Einstein equations: a rotating disc." Nonlinearity. (24, 2011): 177-206.


Levin, Jeffrey S.
Baylor Institute for Studies of Religion

Levi, Jeff. "Revisiting the Alexander UFO Religious Crisis Survey (AUFORCS): Is There Really a Crisis?." Journal of Scientific Exploration. (26.2, 2012): 273-284.

Levin, Jeff. "Energy Healers: Who They Are and What They Do." EXPLORE: The Journal of Science and Healing. (7.1, 2011): 13-26.

Levin, Jeff. Healing to All Their Flesh: Jewish and Christian Perspectives on Spirituality, Theology and Health. West Conshohocken, PA: Templeton Press, 2012.

Levin, Jeff. "Guest Editorial." Journal of Religion & Health. (50.4, 2011): 763-764.

Levin, Jeff. "Health Impact of Jewish Religious Observance in the USA: Findings from the 2000-01 National Jewish Population Survey." Journal of Religion and Health. (50.4, 2011): 852-868.

Levin, Jeff. "Jewish Ethical Themes That Should Inform the National Healthcare Discussion: A Prolegomenon." Journal of Religion and Health. (online, 2012): doi: 10.1007/s10943-012-9617-6.

Levin, Jeff. "Judaism and Health: Reflections on an Emerging Scholarly Field." Journal of Religion and Health. (50.4, 2011): 765-777.

Levin, Jeff. "Religion and positive well-being among Israeli and diaspora Jews: Findings from the World Values Survey." Mental Health, Religion & Culture. (September 2011 online, 2011): 1-12.

Levin, Jeff, Robert Joseph Taylor, and Linda M. Chatters. "Prevalence and sociodemographic correlates of spiritual healer use: Findings from the National Survey of American Life." Complementary Therapies in Medicine. (19, 2011): 63-70.


Loa, Sijefredo
Spanish & Portuguese
College of Arts & Sciences

Loa, Fred. Banco Galicia - Edificio Corrientes 6287. 2011.

Loa, Fred. "'El entender nuestros mal entendimientos' Translation." Samaritan Studies Project. San Antonio, TX: Baptist University of the Americas, (101, 2011): 1-12.


Lyon, James L.
Dean Grad Studies/Resrch to Dean Graduate School
Graduate School

Lyon, Larry and Robyn Driskell. The Community in Urban Society. 2nd. Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press, Inc., 2012.


Marcum, Sarah H.
Honors Program
Honors College

Marcum, Sarah. Envy the Wind. 2011.


Marks, Robert J.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
School of Engineering and Computer Science

Davis, John M., Ian A. Gravagne, Robert J. Marks, II, and Billy J. Jackson. Regions of Exponential Stability for LTI Systems on Nonuniform Discrete Domains. Auburn University, Auburn, AL.: IEEE 43rd Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, 2011.


Matthews, Lorin S.
College of Arts & Sciences

Douglas, Angela; Victor Land; Ke Qiao; Lorin Matthews, and Truell Hyde. "Determination of the levitation limits of dust particles within the sheath in complex plasma experiments." Physics for Plasmas. (19.1, 2012): 013707-1 - 013707-8.

Matthews, Lorin S., V. Land, and T.W. Hyde. "Charging and coagulation of dust in protoplanetary plasma environments." Astrophysical Journal. (744, 2012): 8-19.

Perry, J.D.; E. Gostomski, L.S. Matthews, and T.W. Hyde. "The influence of monomer shape on aggregate morphologies." Astronomy & Astrophysics. (539, 2012): A99(7).


McDaniel, Charles A.
Baylor Interdisciplinary Core
Honors College

McDaniel, Charles A. and Vance E. Woods. "John Henry Newman and Martin Luther: Balancing Heart and Mind in Higher Education." Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies. (23, 2011): 19-40.


McGrath, Thomas D.
Chemistry and Biochemistry
College of Arts & Sciences

de Mesa, Maria Cecilia D. and Thomas D. McGrath. Student Solutions Manual for 'Chemistry: Principles and Reactions' (Masterton, Hurley and Neth). 7th. Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning, 2012.


McKinney, Timothy R.
Division of Academic Studies
School of Music

McKinney, Timothy R. "Crosscurrents of Venetian Style and Patronage in Adrian Willaert's Ne l'amar'e fredd'onde." Journal of the Alamire Foundation. (4.1, 2012): 73-88.


McManness, Linda M.
Spanish & Portuguese
College of Arts & Sciences

McManness, Linda. "Gustar-type verbs: theoretical matters and practical application." Cauce. Revista internacional de filologia, comunicacion y sus Didacticas. (32-33, 2011): 83-92.


Medhurst, Martin J.
Communication Studies
College of Arts & Sciences

Medhurst, Martin J. "The Problem with Presidential Databases." Presidential Studies Quarterly. (41.4, 2011): 770-776.


Melton, J. Gordon
Baylor Institute for Studies of Religion

Bromley, David G. and J. Gordon Melton. "Reconceptualizing Types of Religious Organization: Dominant, Sectarian, Alternative, and Emergent Tradition Groups." Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions. (15.3, 2012): 4-28.


Mencken, Frederick C.
College of Arts & Sciences

Stark, Rodney, Byron Johnson and Carson Mencken. "Counting China's Christians." First Things: A Monthly Journal of Religion & Public Life. (213, 2011): 14-16.


Meyer, Rachelle D.
Department of Curriculum & Instruction
School of Education

Wilkerson, Trena L. and Rachelle D. Meyer. "Lesson Study: The Impact on Teachers' Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics." Lesson Study Research and Practice in Mathematics Education. New York: Springer, 2011.


Mirabito, Ann M.
Hankamer School of Business

Berry, Leonard L. and Ann M. Mirabito. "Partnering for Preventionwith Workplace Health Promotion Programs." Mayo Clinic Proceedings. (April 86(4), 2011): 335-337.

Berry, Leonard L., Gale Adcock and Ann M. Mirabito. "Do It Yourself Employee Healthcare." MIT Sloan Management Review. (53.2, 2012): 15-16.


Morgan, Ronald B.
College of Arts & Sciences

Morgan, Ronald B. and Dywayne A. Nicely. "Restarting The Nonsymmetric Lanczos Algorithm For Eigenvalues and Linear Equations Including Multiple Right-Hand Sides." SIAM journal on scientific computing. (33.5, 2011): 3037-3056.


Morrison, Michael D.
School of Law
Law School

Morrison, Michael D. Code of Ethics for Education Abroad. Carlisle, PA: The Forum on Education Abroad, 2011.


Mungello, D E.
College of Arts & Sciences

Mungello, D. E. Western Queers in China: Flight to the Land of Oz. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2012.


Nodes, Daniel J.
College of Arts & Sciences

Nodes, Daniel. "Conciliatory Reflections on the Procession of the Holy Spirit in Giles of Viterbo's Sentences Commentary." Scottish Journal of Theology. (64.2, 2011): 140-160.


Nogalski, James D.
College of Arts & Sciences

Nogalski, James D. The Book of the Twelve: Hosea-Jonah; and Micah-Malachi. Macon, Georgia: Smyth and Helwys, 2011.


Norden, Janet B.
Spanish & Portuguese
College of Arts & Sciences

Norden, Janet. Children of Exiles: Finding Identity in a Bi/Tri Cultural World. Houston, TX: Texas Foreign Language Association Conference, 2011.

Norden, Janet. "Use Memory to Explore the Third Space." Texas Foreign Language Association Journal. (58.3, 2011): 31-32.


Nordt, Lee C.
College of Arts & Sciences
College of Arts & Sciences

Ahr, Steven W., Lee C. Nordt, and Steven G. Driese. "Assessing lithologic discontinuities and parent material uniformity within the Texas sandy mantle and implications for archaeological burial and preservation potential in upland settings." Quaternary Research. (78, 2012): 60-71.

Nordt, Lee C., Charles T. Hallmark, Steven G. Driese, Steven I. Dworkin, and Stacey C. Atchley. "Biogeochemical characterization of a lithified paleosol: Implications for the interpretation of ancient Critical Zones." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. (87, 2012): 267-282.

Stinchcomb, G.E., T.C. Messner, S.G. Driese, L.C. Nordt, and R.M. Stewart. "Pre-colonial (A.D. 1,100 - 1,600) sedimentation related to prehistoric maize agriculture and climate change in eastern North America." Geology. (39, 2011): 363-366.

Stinchcomb, Gary E., Steven G. Driese, Lee C. Nordt, and Peter M. Allen. "A mid to late Holocene history of floodplain and terrace reworking along the middle Delaware River valley, USA." Geomorphology. (169-170, 2012): 123-141.

Waters, Michael R., steven L. Forman, Thomas A. Jennings, Lee C. Nordt, Steven G. Driese, Joshua M. Feinburg, Joshua L. Keene, Jessi Halligan, Anna Lindquist, james Pierson, Charles T. Hallmark, Michael B. Collins, and James E. Wiederhold. "The Buttermilk Creek Complex and the Origins of Clovis at the Debra L. Friedkin Site, Texas." Science. (331, 2011): 1599-1603.

2012 Faculty Scholarly Contributions, O - S


Olafsen, Linda J.
College of Arts & Sciences

Olafsen, Linda, Lauren D. Ice and Ben Ball. "Nonlinear Temperature Variation of Resonant Pump Wavelength in Optically Pumped Mid-Infrared Semiconductor Lasers." 11th International Conference on Infrared Optoelectronics: Materials and Devices. Northwestern University, Evanston, IL: 2012.


Parker, Donnie F.
Official Retiree

Driese, Steven G. "Neoarchean paleoweathering of tonalite and metabasalt: implications for reconstructions of 2.69 Ga early terrestrial ecosystems and paleoatmospheric chemistry." Precambrian Research. (189, 2011): 1-17.


Parsons, Mikeal C.
College of Arts & Sciences

Hornik, Heidi J. and Mikeal C. Parsons. "The Feast of Pentecost and Trinity Sunday: Liturgical Art in Context." Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology. (66.1, 2012): 55-66.

Parsons, Mikeal. Body and Character in Luke and Acts: The Subversion of Physiognomy in Early Christianity. reprint. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2011.

Parsons, Mikeal C. "His Feet and Ankles Were Made Strong: Signs of Character in the Man Lame from Birth." Disability Studies and Biblical Literature. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2011, 151-164.

Parsons, Mikeal C. "(Early) Baptist Identity and the Acts of the Apostles: Insights from the Baptists' Bible." The 'Plainly Revealed' Word of God? Baptist Hermeneutics in Theory and Practice. Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 2011, 3-29.

Parsons, Mikeal C. and Heidi J. Hornik. "Philological and Performative Perspectives on Pentecost." Reading Acts Today. New York: T & T Clark, 2011, 137-153.


Perry, Carol H.
Journalism, Public Relations & New Media
College of Arts & Sciences

Perry, Carol. Crucifixion. 2012.


Pinney, Kevin G.
Chemistry and Biochemistry
College of Arts & Sciences

Tanpure, Rajendra P., Benson L. Nguyen, Tracy E. Stecker, Savannah Aguirre, Suman Sharma, David J. Chaplin, Bronwyn G. Siim, Ernest Hamel, John W. Lippert,III, George R. Pettit, Mary Lynn Trawick, Kevin G. Pinney. "Regioselective Synthesis of Water Soluble Monophosphate Derivatives of Combretastatin A-1." Journal of Natural Products. American Chemical Society, (74, 2011): 1568-1574.


Pitts, William L.
College of Arts & Sciences

Pitts, William. "Why Baptist History Matters: Rauschenbusch and Latourette." American Baptist Quarterly. (29.3, 2012): 149-171.

Pitts, William. "Debating the True Church on the Grounds of Believer's Baptism: The Ecclesiology of Hanserd Knollys." Baptist History & Heritage. (47.2, 2012): 55-68.

Pitts, William L., Jr. "Conscience and Compromise: Strategies of Dissent in Late Tudor England." Journal of Church and State. 2011, doi:10.1093/jcs/csr109.


Powell, Paul W.
Honorary Retiree

Powell, Paul. "Open Your Heart to God's Word; Check your Values; Taking Life on the Chin; Multiplying Your Potential; Forgive Everyone Everything; Finding Joy in Life." Through the Bible in a Year. Dallas, TX: Baptistway Press, 2011, 120-125.


Powers, Jeffrey S.
Division of Instrumental Studies
School of Music

Powers, Jeffrey. Steppingstones for Horn, Volume 1. Louisville, KY: Potenza Music, 2011.


Prefume, Yuko
Asian and African Languages
College of Arts & Sciences

Gaines, Yoshiko Fujii and Yuko Prefume. "Exploring the Use of Popular TV Drama Series for a Group Project in a Foreign Language Course." Texas Foreign Language Association Fall Conference. Houston, TX.: 2011.


Price, Levi W.
George W. Truett Seminary

Price, Levi. "Serve the Lord; Different is OK!; Partnership with God; Against the Odds; God's Eye; Love All People." Through the Bible in a Year. Dallas, TX: Baptistway Press, 2011, 127-132.


Reed, Marlene M.
Hankamer School of Business

Brunson, Rochelle R. and Marlene M. Reed. "Proton Cancer Therapy Center: An Entrepreneur's Dilemma." Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice. (35.5, 2011): 1091-1100.

Brunson, Rochelle R. and Marlene M. Reed. "Starbuck's Corporation - 2011 Case Study." Strategic Management Concepts and Cases. 14th. Upper saddle River, NJ: Pearson, 2011.


Reichenstein, William R.
Finance, Insurance & Real Estate
Hankamer School of Business

Reichenstein, William. Social Securities Strategies. Retiree, Inc., 2011.


Riemenschneider, Cynthia K.
Information Systems
Hankamer School of Business

Armstrong, Deborah J. and Cynthia K. Riemenschneider. "The Influence of Demands and Resources on Emotional Exhaustion with the Information Systems Profession." Proceeding of the Interantional Conference on Information Systems. Shanghai: 2011.

Armstrong, Deborah J., Cynthia K. Riemenschneider, Magaret F. Reid. "Schema accuracy and career challenges for men in the information technology workplace." Proceedings of the 2012 Computers and People Research Conference. Association of Computing Machinery, 2012, 165-173.

Craig, Christopher A., Myria W. Allen, Margaret F. Reid, Cynthia K. Riemenschneider, and Deborah J. Armstrong. "The Impact of Career Mentoring and Psychosocial Mentoring on Affective Organizational Commitment, Job Involvement, and Turnover Intention." Administration & Society. 2012, doi:10.1177/0095399712451885.

Krasnova, Hanna; Kerstin Schafer; Oliver Gunther; Ola Henfridsson; Natasha Veltri; Cindy Riemenschneider; Edgar Whitley. "Publication Strategy for Junior Researchers: Quantity VS. Quality, The First Authorship and The Optimal Number of Authors." ECIS 2012 Proceedings. Paper 86. 2012,

Lo, Janice and Cynthia Riemenschneider. "Heterogeneity of IT Employees: An Analysis of a Model of Perceived Organizational Support by Job Type." The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems. (42.3, 2011): 71-95.

Riemenschneider, Cynthia K. and Deborah J. Armstrong. "What Influences IT Professional Psychological Contract Violation?." Proceedings of the Annual Hawai'i International Conference on Systems Sciences. IEEE Computer Society, (6149518, 2012): 5162-5172.

Riemenschneider, Cynthia K., Lori N.K. Leonard, Tracy S. Manly. "Students' Ethical Decision-Making in an Information Technology Context: A Theory of Planned Behavior Approach." Journal of Information Systems Education. (22.3, 2011): 203-214.

Riemenschneider, Cynthia K., Lori N.K. Leonard, Tracy S. Manly. "Applying the Multidimensional Ethics Scale to Examine Student Behavior when using Technology." Proceedings of the Eighteenth Americas Conference on Information Systems. Seattle, WA: 2012.


Roberts, James A.
Hankamer School of Business

Roberts, James A. Shiny Objects: Why We Spend Money We Don't Have in Search of Happiness We Can't Buy. New York: HarperOne, 2011.


Rosenbaum, Stuart E.
College of Arts & Sciences

Baird, Robert and Stuart E. Rosenbaum. The Death Penalty: Debating the Moral, Legal, and Political Issues. Cerritos, CA: Prometheus Press, 2011.


Rowatt, Wade C.
Psychology & Neuroscience
College of Arts & Sciences

LaBouff, Jordan Paul, Wade C. Rowatt, Megan K. Johnson, Jo-Ann Tsang, Grace McCullough Willerton. "Humble persons are more helpful than less humble persons: Evidence from three studies." Journal of Positive Psychology. (7.1, 2012): 16-29.


Russell, Dwight P.
College of Arts & Sciences

Russell, Dwight and Richard Campbell. "Exoplanet Transit Observations: TrES 3b." ETD - Exoplanet Transit Database. Czech Astronomical Society, 2011.


Russell, Richard R.
College of Arts & Sciences

Russell, Richard Rankin. "The Keats and Hopkins Dialectic in Seamus Heaney's Early Poetry: 'The Forge'." ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews. (25.1, 2012): 44-50.

Russell, Richard Rankin. "Owen and Yeats in Heaney's 'The Cure at Troy'." Essays in Criticism. (61.2, 2011): 173-189.


Scales, T. Laine
Dean Grad Studies/Resrch to Dean Graduate School
Graduate School

Scales, Laine and Craig R. Clarkson. "Preparing College Graduates for Mission: The Role of the StudentVolunteer Movement in the Calling and Formation of a 'Baylor Girl'." Baptist History and Heritage. 2011, 43-59.

Scales, T. Laine. "'Accepting a Trust So Responsible': Christians Caring for Children at Buckner Orphan's Home, Dallas, Texas, 1879-1909." Social Work and Christianity. (38.3, 2011): 332-355.

Scales, T. Laine and Michael S. Kelly. "'To Give Christ to the Neighborhood': A Corrective Look at the Settlement Movement and Early Christian Social Workers." Social Work & Christianity. (38.3, 2011): 356-376.

Sriram, Rishi, Frank Shushok, Jr., Jennifer Perkins, and T. Laine Scales. "Students as Teachers: What Faculty Learn by Living on Campus." Journal of College and University Student Housing. (38.1, 2011): 40-55.


Schwarz, Gretchen E.
Department of Curriculum & Instruction
School of Education

Schwarz, Gretchen. Action in Teacher Education - special issue. Association of Teacher Educators, 2011.


Setina, Emily E.
College of Arts & Sciences

Setina, Emily. Stanzas in Meditation by Gertrude Stein: The Corrected Edition. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2012.


Shaver, Lisa J.
College of Arts & Sciences

Shaver, Lisa J. Beyond the Pulpit: Women's Rhetorical Roles in the Antebellum Religious Press. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2012.


Sheng, Qin
College of Arts & Sciences

Beauregard, Matthew A. and Qin Sheng. "A semi-adaptive compact splitting method for the numerical solution of 2-dimensional quenching problems." Applied Mathematics and Computation. (218, 2012): 11240-11254.

Sheng, Qin and A.Q.M. Khaliq. "A Revisit of the Semi-Adaptive Method for Singular Degenerate Reaction-Diffusion Equations." East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics. (2.3, 2012): 185-203.

Sheng, Qin and W. Sun. "On the stability of an oscillation-free ADI method for highly oscillatory wave equations." Communications in Computational Physics. (12.4, 2012): 1275-1292.

Sheng, Qin, Shekar Guha, and Leonel P. Gonzalez. "A short note on the asymptotic stability of an oscillation-free eikonal splitting method." Applied Mathematics Letters. (25.10, 2012): 1539-1543.

Sheng, Qin, Shekhar Guha, and Leonel Gonzalez. "Eikonal decomposition methods." Engineering Computations. (29.1, 2012): 4-18.

Sheng, Qin, Shekhar Guha, and Leonel P. Gonzalez. "An exponential transformation based splitting method for fast computations of highly oscillatory solutions." Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. (235, 2011): 4452-4463.

Sheng, Qin; Guha, S. and L.P. Gonzalez. "Eikonal decomposition methods for fast computations of beam propagations." Engineering Computations. (29.1, 2012): 4-18.


Simpson, Mary E.
Family & Consumer Sciences
College of Arts & Sciences

Simpson, Mary. "Shake and simmer." Fashion Group International 20012 Career Day Conference. 2012.

Simpson, Mary. "Leather Goes Uptown." Fashion Group International 2012 Career Day Conference. 2012.


Skurla, Carolyn T.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
School of Engineering and Computer Science

Skurla, Carolyn. "Development of a New Freshman Engineering Policy." 4th First Year Engineering Experience (FYEE) Conference. Pittsburgh, PA: 2012.


Sriram, Rishi R.
Department of Educational Administration
School of Education

Sriram, Rishi, Frank Shushok, Jr., Jennifer Perkins, and T. Laine Scales. "Students as Teachers: What Faculty Learn by Living on Campus." Journal of College and University Student Housing. (38.1, 2011): 40-55.


Stark, Rodney
Baylor Institute for Studies of Religion

Stark, Rodney. The Triumph of Christianity: How the Jesus Movement Became the World's Largest Religion. New York: HarperOne, 2011.

Stark, Rodney, Byron Johnson and Carson Mencken. "Counting China's Christians." First Things: A Monthly Journal of Religion & Public Life. (213, 2011): 14-16.


Starr, Kenneth
Office of the President

Starr, Ken. "High Honor; Wake Up!; The last Goodbye." Through the Bible in a Year. Dallas, TX: Baptistway Press, 2011, 228-230.


Steely, Kathryn
Division of Instrumental Studies
School of Music

Steely, Kathryn. "William Flackton: Early English Advocate for the Viola." Journal of the American Viola Society. (spring 27(1), 2011): 33-46.


Still, Todd D.
George W. Truett Seminary

Still, Todd D. "Service Agreement; Burden Bearers; One, Two, Three Strikes You're Out; Seeing Beyond Our Blindness; Rest; Work as Witness." Through the Bible in a Year. Dallas, TX: Baptistway Press, 2011, 319-324.


Stone, Sara J.
Journalism, Public Relations & New Media
College of Arts & Sciences

Stone, Sara. Journalism Ethics: A Casebook for Professional Conduct for News Media. 4th. Portland, OR: Marion Street Press, 2011.

2012 Faculty Scholarly Contributions, T - Z


Tanner, John F.
Dean''s Suite - Hankamer School of Business
Hankamer School of Business

Dixon, Andrea and Jeff Tanner. "Eds. of Special Anniversary issue." Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management. (32, 2011).


Thomas, Michael D.
Spanish & Portuguese
College of Arts & Sciences

Thomas, Michael D. "Seeking the courage to stand: three post-Civil War 'Coming of Age' novels (Cronica del alba, El camino, Primera memoria)." Cauce. Revista internacional Filologia, Comunicacion y sus Didacticas. (32-33, 2011): 127-142.


Trawick, Mary L.
Chemistry and Biochemistry
College of Arts & Sciences

Tanpure, Rajendra P., Benson L. Nguyen, Tracy E. Stecker, Savannah Aguirre, Suman Sharma, David J. Chaplin, Bronwyn G. Siim, Ernest Hamel, John W. Lippert,III, George R. Pettit, Mary Lynn Trawick, Kevin G. Pinney. "Regioselective Synthesis of Water Soluble Monophosphate Derivatives of Combretastatin A-1." Journal of Natural Products. American Chemical Society, (74, 2011): 1568-1574.


Tsang, JoAnn C.
Psychology & Neuroscience
College of Arts & Sciences

Carlisle, Robert D., Jo-Ann Tsang, Nadia Y. Ahmad, Everett L. Worthington Jr., Charlotte vanOyen Witvliet & Nathaniel Wade. "Do actions speak louder than words? Differential effects of restitution and apology on behavioral and self-reported forgiveness." Journal of Positive Psychology. (7.4, 2012): 294-305.

LaBouff, Jordan Paul, Wade C. Rowatt, Megan K. Johnson, Jo-Ann Tsang, Grace McCullough Willerton. "Humble persons are more helpful than less humble persons: Evidence from three studies." Journal of Positive Psychology. (7.1, 2012): 16-29.

Tsang, Jo-Ann, Ashleigh Schulwitz, and Robert D. Carlisle. "An experimental test of the relationship between religion and gratitude." Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. (4.1, 2012): 40-55.


Uber, David M.
French and Italian
College of Arts & Sciences

Uber, David M. "Sunday on the Seine with Maigret: Fantisie and Joie de Vivre in "La Guinguette a Deux Sous"." 37th European Studies Conference. Selected Proceedings. 37th European Studies Conference, 2012.


Umlauf, Karl A.
College of Arts & Sciences

Umlauf, Karl. "Improvisation of Poe's window on the campus of the University of Virginia - Charlottesville." Wall Series (Allbritton Grant). collage and acrylic on wood, 2011.

Umlauf, Karl. "Sloss Steel Mill Wall (Birmingham, AL)." Wall Series (Allbritton Grant). Mixed media and acrylic on wood, 2011.


VanHoose, David D.
Hankamer School of Business

Daniels, Joseph P. and David D. VanHoose. Global Economic Issues and Policies. 2nd. New York: Routledge, 2011.

Dutkowsky, Donald H. and David D. VanHoose. "Interest on bank reserves and optimal sweeping." Journal of Banking & Finance. (35, 2011): 2491-2497.

Gwin, Carl and David D. VanHoose. "Search costs, sticky prices and markups." Applied Economics. (43, 2011): 2219-2228.

VanHoose, David. "Regulatory Constraints on Performance-Based Managerial Compensation, Bank Monitoring, and Aggregate Loan Quality." Atlantic Economic Journal. (39, 2011): 315-328.

VanHoose, David. "Regulation of Bank Management Compensation." Financial Market Regulation: Legislation and Implications. New York: Springer, 2011, 163-186.

VanHoose, David. "Systemic Risks and Macroprudential Bank Regulation: A Critical Appraisal." The Capco Institute Journal of Financial Transformation. (33, 2011): 45-60.

VanHoose, David D. E-Commerce Economics. New York: Routledge, 2011.


Walden, Daniel P.
College of Arts & Sciences

Walden, Daniel. The Coastal Frontier and the Oceanic Wilderness in The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym. Baltimore, MD: The Edgar Allan Poe Society, 2011.


Walter, Janelle M.
Family & Consumer Sciences
College of Arts & Sciences

Walter, Janelle. "Motivators and Barriers to Home Food Preparation." FNCE Annual Meeting Program. Houston, TX.: 2011.


Wang, Anzhong
College of Arts & Sciences

Grenwald, J., J. Lenells, J. X. Lu, V.H. Satheeshkumar and A. Wang. "Black holes and global structures of spherical spacetimes in Horava-Lifshitz theory." Physical Review D. (84, 2011): 084040-084065.


Wang, Xin
Baylor Interdisciplinary Core
Honors College

Wang, Xin. "From the Art House to the Mainstream: Artistry and Commercialism in Zhang Yimou's Filmmaking." Dekalog 4: On East Asian Filmmakers. Great Britain: Wallflower Press, 2012, 62-79.


Ward, Bennie (B.F.L.)
College of Arts & Sciences

Ward, B.F.L. "Estimates of radiation by superluminal neutrinos." Physical Review D. (85, 2012): 073007-1 - 073007-4.


Wilkerson, Trena L.
Department of Curriculum & Instruction
School of Education

Wilkerson, Trena L. and Rachelle D. Meyer. "Lesson Study: The Impact on Teachers' Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics." Lesson Study Research and Practice in Mathematics Education. New York: Springer, 2011.

Wilkerson, Trena L., Michael Kamen, Debra L. Junk, Stephen Marble, Sandra Cooper, Colleen M. Eddy, and Cameron Sawyer. "Walking the Talk: Lessons Learned by University Mathematics Methods Instructors Implementing Lesson Study for Their Own Professional Development." Lesson Study Research and Practice in Mathematics Education. New York: Springer, 2011.

Wilkerson, Trena L., Tommy Bryan and Jane Curry. "An Appetite for Fractions." Teaching Children Mathematics. (19.2, 2012): 90-99.


Willingham, Elizabeth M.
Spanish & Portuguese
College of Arts & Sciences

Willingham, Elizabeth. "Las voces del Romanico: Arte y epigrafia en San Quirce de Burgos. Murcia, Spain: Nausicaa, 2008." La coronica. (40.2, 2012): 52-58.

Willingham, Elizabeth. La queste del Saint Graal. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2012.

Willingham, Elizabeth. "Madness and Illness in Laura Esquivel's 'Como agua para chocolate'." Monographic Review/Revista Monografica. (26, 2011): 100-115.

Willingham, Elizabeth. "Irish Influence on Welsh Literature by Patrick Sims-Williams." The Sixteenth Century Journal: A Journal of Early Modern Studies. (43.2, 2012): 590-591.

Willingham, Elizabeth. "Shakespeare's Freedom by Stephen Greenblatt." The Sixteenth Century Journal: A Journal of Early Modern Studies. (42.4, 2012): 1251-1252.

Willingham, Elizabeth. "Libro de buen amor(1330?; Book of Good Love, 2005)." World Literature in Spanish. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2011, 565-566.

Willingham, Elizabeth. "Literature and Memory in the Hispanic World." World Literature in Spanish. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2011, 570-572.

Willingham, Elizabeth. "Mexico City in Literature." World Literature in Spanish. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2011, 622-624.

Willingham. Elizabeth. Laura Esquivel's Mexican Fictions. Sussex, UK: Sussex Academic Press, 2010.


Wood, Ralph C.
College of Arts & Sciences

Wood, Ralph. "Confronting the world's weirdness : J. R. R. Tolkien's The children of Hùrin." The ring and the cross : Christianity and the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien. Lanham, MD: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2011.

Wood, Ralph C. Chesterton: The Nightmare Goodness of God. Waco, TX.: Baylor University Press, 2011.


Woods, Vance E.
Bibliographic Access

McDaniel, Charles A. and Vance E. Woods. "John Henry Newman and Martin Luther: Balancing Heart and Mind in Higher Education." Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies. (23, 2011): 19-40.


Worley, Robert D.
Spanish & Portuguese
College of Arts & Sciences

Worley, Robert D. "La politizacion de la religion expuesta por Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz en el auto titulado El martir del sacramento San Hermenegildo." Bulletin of the Comediantes. (63.1, 2011): 105-120.


Wynveen, Christopher J.
Department of Health, Human Performance & Recreation
School of Education

Wynveen, Christopher J., Gerard T. Kyle, Michael A. Tarrant. "Study Abroad Experiences and Global Citizenship: Fostering Proenvironmental Behavior." Journal of Studies in International Education. (16.4, 2012): 334-352.

Wynveen, Christopher J., Gerard T. Kyle, Stephen G. Sutton. "Natural area visitors' place meaning and place attachment ascribed to a marine setting." Journal of Environmental Psychology. (32, 2012): 287-296.


Yoo, Jeong-Ju
Family & Consumer Sciences
College of Arts & Sciences

Hur, Won-Moo, Jeong-Ju Yoo, and Te-Lin Chung. "The consumption values and consumer innovativeness on convergence products." Industrial Management & Data Systems. (112.5, 2012): 688-706.

Yoo, Jeung-Ju and Hye-Young Kim. "Adolescents' body-tanning behaviours: influences of gender, body mass index, sociocultural attitudes towards appearance and body satisfaction." International Journal of Consumer Studies. (36.2, 2012): 360-366.

Yoo, Jeung-Ju, John Jacob, and Margaret Baier. "Adolescent boys' grooming product use and perceived health risks: An exploration of parental influence." Health Education Journal. (71.3, 2012): 299-308.


Zeiss, Laurel E.
Division of Academic Studies
School of Music

Zeiss, Laurel E. "The Senses in Mozart's da Ponte Operas." Taste and the Senses in the Eighteenth Century. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2011, 165-185.

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