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Creations@Baylor Celebrating Faculty Scholarship: 2002

The Creations@Baylor exhibit celebrates the scholarly achievements of the Baylor University faculty and includes books, articles, artworks, music scores, CDs, poster presentations, and other works considered scholarly by the faculty member's discipline.

2002 Faculty Scholarly Contributions, A - M


Artz, Kendall W.
Department of Management
Hankamer School of Business

Artz, Kendall W., and Patricia M. Norman. "Corporate Entrepreneurship: A Longitudinal Examination of Innovation Efficiency, Patents, and Firm Performance." Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Reasearch 2001. Babson Park, MA: Center for Entrepreneurial Studies, Babson College, 2001.


Askins, Sally L.
Department of Theater Arts
College of Arts & Sciences

Askins, Sally Lynn. Costume Rendering / Libation Bearer. Baylor University, 2002.


Baker, Clark
Department of Journalism
College of Arts & Sciences

Baker, Clark. "St. Francisville, LA." Looking at Faith. Perth, Western Australia: Madin Gallery, 2002.


Barber, Robbie B.
Department of Art
College of Arts & Sciences

Barber, Robbie. "October International Competition 2001." S & T. West Palm Beach, Florida: Armory Art Center, Juried by Peter Frank, 2001.


Bellinger, William H.

Department of Religion
College of Arts & Sciences

Bellinger, W. H. Jr. "Leviticus, Numbers." New International Bible Commentary, Old Testament Series. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, (v.3, 2001).


Berg, Bruce
Division of Instrumental Studies
School of Music

Berg, Bruce (violin), Eka Gogichashvili (violin), Kathryn Steely (viola), and Gary Hardie (cello). Southwest Premiere of Steven Stucky Nell'ombra, Nella Luce. Armstrong Browning Library.


Burnett, Joel S.
Department of Religion
College of Arts & Sciences

Burnett, Joel S. A Reassessment of Biblical Elohim. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2001.


Cloud, Robert C.
Department of Educational Administration
School of Education

Cloud, Robert C. "Safety on Campus." West's Education Law Reporter. St. Paul, Minn.: West Group, (v.162, 2002): 1.

Cloud, Robert C. "The New York Times Rule in Higher Education." West's Education Law Reporter. St. Paul, Minn.: West Group, (v.166, 2002): 1.


Cook, Garrett W. 
Department of Sociology & Anthropology
College of Arts & Sciences

Cook, Garrett. "The Maya Pentecost." Holy Saints and Fiery Preachers: The Anthroplogy of Protestantism in Mexico and Central America. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger, 2001.

Cook, Garrett. "Charter Myths and Status Groups in Momostenango, Guatemala." The Past and Present Maya. John Weeks ed. Lancaster, CA: Laybrinthos, 2001.


Darden, Robert F.
Department of English
College of Arts & Sciences

Darden, Robert. Corporate Giants: Personal Stories of Faith and Finance. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Fleming H. Revell, 2002.


Davis, Derek H.
Department of Church-State Studies

Davis, Derek H. Church-State Relations and Religious Liberty in Mexico: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Waco, TX: J.M. Dawson Institute / Baylor University Press, 2002.

Davis, Derek H., and Barry Hankins, eds. New Religious Movements and Religious Liberty in America. 1st ed. Waco, TX: J.M. Dawson Institute / Baylor University Press, 2002.

Davis, Derek H., and Gerhard Besier, eds. International Perspectives on Freedom and Equality of Relgious Belief. Waco, TX: J.M. Dawson Institute / Baylor University, 2002.


Davis, William V.
Department of English
College of Arts & Sciences

Davis, William Virgil. "Courtyard looking toward Artemis from the west cloister." The New Criterion. Milan, Ohio: Foundation for Cultural Review, (v.20 n.4, 2001).

Davis, William Virgil. "Poem ending with a variation on a line by Charles Wright." The New Criterion. Milan, Ohio: Foundation for Cultural Review, (v.20 n.4, 2001).


Divita, Lorynn R.
Department of Family & Consumer Sciences
College of Arts & Sciences

Divita, Lorynn R. "Strategic Partnerships in the Domestic Textile Complex: Exploring Suppliers' Perspectives." Clothing and Textiles Research Journal. Monument, CO: International Textile and Apparel Association, (v.20 n.3, 2002).


Dowd, Sharyn E.
Department of Religion
College of Arts & Sciences

Dowd, Sharyn. "New Testament Interpretation in Scholarship, Art, and Culture: Essays in Honor of Charles H. Talbert." Perspectives in Religious Studies. (v.28 n.1, 2001).


Garland, Diana R.
School of Social Work
College of Arts & Sciences

Scales, T. Laine, David A. Sherwood, and Diana R. Garland, eds. Spirituality and Religion in Social Work Practice: Decision Cases with Teaching Notes. Alexandria, VA: Council on Social Work Education, 2002.


Glanzer, Perry L.
School of Education
School of Education

Glanzer, Perry L. The Quest for Russia's Soul: Evangelicals and Moral Education in Post-Communist Russia. Baylor University Press, 2002.


Gogichashvili, Eka
Division of Instrumental Studies
School of Music

Berg, Bruce (violin), Eka Gogichashvili (violin), Kathryn Steely (viola), and Gary Hardie (cello). Southwest Premiere of Steven Stucky Nell'ombra, Nella Luce. Armstrong Browning Library.


Hamilton, Jeffrey S.
Department of History
College of Arts & Sciences

Hamilton, J. S. "The Royal Charter Witness Rolls of Edward II (1307-1326)." List and Index Society, Publications. Kew, Surrey, UK: List & Index Society, Public Record Office, (v.288, 2001).


Hankins, Barry G.
Department of Church-State Studies

Davis, Derek H., and Barry Hankins, eds. New Religious Movements and Religious Liberty in America. 1st ed. Waco, TX: J.M. Dawson Institute / Baylor University Press, 2002.

Hankins, Barry G. Uneasy in Babylon: Southern Baptist Conservatives and American Culture. Tuscaloosa, Alabama: University of Alabama Press, 2002.


Hardie, William G.
Division of Instrumental Studies
School of Music

Berg, Bruce (violin), Eka Gogichashvili (violin), Kathryn Steely (viola), and Gary Hardie (cello). Southwest Premiere of Steven Stucky Nell'ombra, Nella Luce. Armstrong Browning Library.


Hassell, C. A.
Department of Chemistry
College of Arts & Sciences

Hassell, Alton. Selected Solutions Manual for General Chemistry by Hill and Petrucci. 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prenticel Hall, 2002.

Hassell, Alton. Solutions Manual for General Chemistry by Hill and Petrucci. 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2002.


Hornik, Heidi
Department of Art
College of Arts & Sciences

Hornik, Heidi J., art ed. 1 & 2 Samuel by Tony W. Cartledge. Macon, GA: Smyth and Helwys, 2001.


Hunt, Maurice A.
Department of English
College of Arts & Sciences

Hunt, Maurice. "A Speculative Political Allegory in A Midsummer Night's Dream." Comparative Drama. Kalamazoo, MI: Western Michigan University, (v.34 n.4, 2001).


Huprich, Steven K.
Department of Psychology & Neuroscience
College of Arts & Sciences

Huprich, Steven K. "The Overlap of Depressive Personality Disorder and Dysthymia, Reconsidered." Harvard Review of Psychiatry. Oxford University Press, (v.9, 2001): 158-168.


Jones, Phillip J.
Jones Library Social Sciences & Humanities

Ochola, John N., and Phillip J. Jones. "Assessment of the Liaison Program at Baylor University." Collection Management. Binghamton, New York: The Haworth Press, (v.26 n.4, 2002).

Walton, Ethel, Phillip Jones, and Sinai Wood. "The Baylor University Experience." Job Shadow Day with a Multicultural Twist. ALA Conference: 2002.


Kendall, Diana
Department of Sociology & Anthropology
College of Arts & Sciences

Kendall, Diana. Sociology In Our Times. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/International Thomas Publishing, 2002.

Kendall, Diana. The Power of Deeds: Privileged Women and the Social Reproduction of the Upper Class. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2002.

Mueller, Kathryn S., and Diana Kendall. Test Bank for Kendall's Sociology in Our Times. 4th ed. Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2003.

Mueller, Kathryn S., Diana Kendall. Study Guide for Kendall's Sociology in Our Times. 4th ed. Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2003.


Kruschwitz, Robert B.
Center for Christian Ethics

Kruschwitz, Robert B. "Forgiveness, Moral Landscape of Creation, Heaven & Hell, and Sabbath." Christian Reflections: A Series in Faith and Ethics. The Center for Christian Ethics, Baylor University, 2002.


Lahaie, Lindsey S.
Department of Theater Arts
College of Arts & Sciences

Lahaie, Scot. "Religiocosmic Fiction: A Cultural Reading of Literary Genre." Journal of Contemporary Thought. Baroda, India: The Forum on Contemporary Theory, 2002.

Lahaie, Scot. "A Comedy in Two Acts." The Cattleman's Suite. Writers Club Press, 2002.


Lahaie, Ute S.
German, Russian & Japanese
College of Arts & Sciences

Lahaie, Ute S. "LLTI Highlights." The IALL Journal of Language Learning Technology. IALLT, (v.33, 2001).

Lahaie, Ute S., ed. Exploring New Directions In Language Learning Technology. Language Acquisition Center at Baylor University, 2001.


Maness, Terry S.
Dean''s Suite - Hankamer School of Business
Hankamer School of Business

Maness, Terry S. Short-Term Financial Management. 2nd ed. South-Western, 2002.


Marsh, Christopher
Department of Political Science
College of Arts & Sciences

Marsh, Christopher, and Nickolas K. Gvosdev, eds. Civil Society and the Search for Justice in Russia. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2002.


McCormick, Blaine
Department of Management
Hankamer School of Business

McCormick, Blaine. At Work With Thomas Edison. Irvine, CA: Entrepreneur Press, 2002.


McCoy, Paul A.
Department of Art
College of Arts & Sciences

McCoy, Paul A. Exquisite Agony. San Antonio: Journey, 2001.


Mueller, Kathryn M.
Department of Sociology & Anthropology
College of Arts & Sciences

Mueller, Kathryn S., and Diana Kendall. Test Bank for Kendall's Sociology in Our Times. 4th ed. Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2003.

Mueller, Kathryn S., Diana Kendall. Study Guide for Kendall's Sociology in Our Times. 4th ed. Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2003.

2002 Faculty Scholarly Contributions, N - Z


Norman, Patricia M.
Department of Management
Hankamer School of Business

Artz, Kendall W., and Patricia M. Norman. "Corporate Entrepreneurship: A Longitudinal Examination of Innovation Efficiency, Patents, and Firm Performance." Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Reasearch 2001. Babson Park, MA: Center for Entrepreneurial Studies, Babson College, 2001.

Norman, Patricia M. "Are Your Secrets Safe? Knowledge Protection in Strategic Alliances." Business Horizons. New York: Elsevier Science Publishing Company, (v.44 n.6, 2001): 51-60.

Norman, Patricia M. "Protecting Knowledge in Strategic Alliances: Resource and Relational Characteristics." Journal of High Technology Management Research. New York: Elsevier Science Publishing Company, (v.13 n.2, 2002): 177-202.


Ochola, John N.
Collections Development-University Libraries

Ochola, John N., and Phillip J. Jones. "Assessment of the Liaison Program at Baylor University." Collection Management. Binghamton, New York: The Haworth Press, (v.26 n.4, 2002).


Olson, Roger E.
George W. Truett Seminary

Olson, Roger E. The Mosaic of Christian Belief: Twenty Centuries of Unity and Diversity. InterVarsity Press.

Olson, Roger E. The Trinity. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2002.


Patteson, Rita S.
Armstrong Browning Library

Patteson, Rita S. "Aristophanes' Apology: Including a Transcript from Euripidies: Being the Last Adventure of Balaustion." The Complete Works of Robert Browning With Variant Readings & Annotations. Baylor Univ. & Athens:Ohio Univ. Press, (v.12, 2001).


Pomilio, Mark V.
Department of Art
College of Arts & Sciences

Pomilio, Mark. Never Say Never. Birmingham, MI: Exhibit A Gallery, 2001.


Rowatt, Wade C.
Department of Psychology & Neuroscience
College of Arts & Sciences

Rowatt, Wade C. "On Being Holier-Than-Thou or Humbler-Than-Thee: A Social Psychological Perspective on Religiousness and Humility." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. (v.41 n.2, 2002).


Russell, Richard R.
Department of English
College of Arts & Sciences

Russell, Richard R. "Loss and Recovery in Peter Fallon's Pastoral Elegies." The Colby Quarterly. Waterville, Maine: Colby College, (v.37 n.4, 2001): 343-56.



Scales, T. L.
School of Social Work
College of Arts & Sciences

Scales, T. Laine. "Social Work with Baptists." Spiritual and Religious Traditions and Social Work Practice. (Van Hook, Hugen & Aguilar) Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole, 2001.

Scales, T. Laine, David A. Sherwood, and Diana R. Garland, eds. Spirituality and Religion in Social Work Practice: Decision Cases with Teaching Notes. Alexandria, VA: Council on Social Work Education, 2002.


Scott, Daniel E.
Division of Vocal Studies
School of Music

Scott, Daniel E. "Benoit and Alcindoro." La Boheme (Puccini). Roles Performed in Lyric Opera of Waco: (September 12, 14, 2002).


Sherwood, David A.
School of Social Work
College of Arts & Sciences

Scales, T. Laine, David A. Sherwood, and Diana R. Garland, eds. Spirituality and Religion in Social Work Practice: Decision Cases with Teaching Notes. Alexandria, VA: Council on Social Work Education, 2002.


Smith, Mary R.
Department of Art
College of Arts & Sciences

Smith, Mary Ruth. Traced Markings #4. British Columbia, Canada: New Wave Textile Exhibition, 2002.


Sparkman, Glenda K.
Preservation & Special Services-University Libraries

Sparkman, Kathleen. Spring Begonias. 2002.


Steely, Kathryn
Division of Instrumental Studies
School of Music

Berg, Bruce (violin), Eka Gogichashvili (violin), Kathryn Steely (viola), and Gary Hardie (cello). Southwest Premiere of Steven Stucky Nell'ombra, Nella Luce. Armstrong Browning Library.


Talbert, Charles H.
Department of Religion
College of Arts & Sciences

Talbert, Charles H. "Indicative and Imperative in Matthean Soteriology." Biblica. (v.82 n.4, 2001): 513-53.

Talbert, Charles H., ed. "Reading Hebrews & James by Marie E. Isaacs." Reading the New Testament Commentary Series. Macon, GA: Smyth & Helwys, 2002.


Thomas, Michael D.
Spanish & Portuguese
College of Arts & Sciences

Thomas, Michael. "A Frustrated Search for the Truth: The Unreliable Narrator and the Unresolved Puzzle in Cela's La Colmena." Hispania: Journal of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish & Portuguese. AATSP, (v85 n.2, 2002).


Umlauf, Karl A.
Department of Art
College of Arts & Sciences

Umlauf, Karl. Gothic Window (Koln). 2002.


Walbesser, Henry H.
Department of Computer Science
School of Engineering and Computer Science

Walbesser, Henry H. A Brief Primer On Teaching - For Higher Education Personnel. Writers Club Press, 2002.

Walbesser, Henry H. Integrity and Higher Education: Three Monographs. Lincoln, NE: Writers Club Press, 2001.


Walton, Ethel L.
Jones Library Social Sciences & Humanities

Walton, Ethel, Phillip Jones, and Sinai Wood. "The Baylor University Experience." Job Shadow Day with a Multicultural Twist. ALA Conference: 2002.


Williams, Daniel H.
Department of Religion
College of Arts & Sciences

Williams, D. H. "Defining Orthodoxy in Hilary of Poitier's Commentarium in Mattheaum." Journal of Early Christian Studies. (v.9, 2001): 151-171.

Williams, D. H. "Reflections on My Retrieving the Tradition and Renewing Evangelicalism: A Response." Scottish Journal of Theology. (v.55, 2002).

Williams, D. H., ed. "Scripture, Tradition, and the Church: Reformation and Post-Reformation." The Free Church and the Early Church: Bridging the Historical and Theological Divide. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2002.


Wood, John A.
Department of Religion
College of Arts & Sciences

Wood, John A. The Panthers and the Militias: Brothers Under the Skin?. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2002.


Wood, Sinai P.
Moody Library Government Documents

Walton, Ethel, Phillip Jones, and Sinai Wood. "The Baylor University Experience." Job Shadow Day with a Multicultural Twist. ALA Conference: 2002.


Zeiss, Laurel E.
Division of Academic Studies
School of Music

Zeiss, Laurel E. "Permeable Boundaries in Mozart's Don Giovanni." Cambridge Opera Journal. (v.13 n.2, 2001).

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