Provides an index to materials in the field of Classical Studies covering especially topics in Greco-Roman history and civilization, archaeology, language and literature.
For journals, JSTOR mainly serves an archival function, it contains recent issues for some titles, but for most titles the available issues are two years old or more.
Indexes the table of contents of journals going as far back as 1665 and as recent as 1995. It covers 37 key subject areas in the humanities, sciences, and social sciences and indexes over 15 million articles.
Indexes comprehensively scholarly and non-scholarly journals in religion and theology.
Provides indexing and abstracts of journal articles, books, contributions to anthologies, and book reviews published worldwide since 1940. For access to the scholarly journal literature of Philosophy, this index is the most important available.
Provides citations and abstracts of peer-reviewed works in 254 disciplines. Includes links to references, citations, and related works and has extensive author profiles.
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