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Medical Humanities

This is the subject guide for the Medical Humanities program at Baylor


Welcome to your Medical Humanities subject guide. 

Library guides are created to help learners of all levels access library resources that will help them conduct effective research in their disciplines. You will find research tips, contextual information, and resources of various kinds depending on the type of guide you are looking at. To see a full list of Baylor's Library Guides organized by subject, click here. To return to the Baylor Library's homepage, click here. 

To get started with this guide, work through the tabs on the left or click through the navigation arrows at the bottom of each page. Depending on your needs, you can move through each page of the guide sequentially, or you can skip ahead to the information that is most relevant to your research. 

If you need help defining a research questionfinding information, or synthesizing the information that you've already found, don't hesitate to schedule an appointment with one of the librarians featured on the bottom left of this page. We are here to help.



This guide contains general information about library services and resources, recommendations for research resources in the Medical Humanities, information about library research services, and citation resources. 

Medical Humanities is a highly interdisciplinary program with courses taught across both the sciences and the humanities.  Central to this program are courses that focus on the role of Christian spirituality in healthcare, the importance of the relationship between patient and practitioner, and the changing nature of healthcare in the 21st century. The faculty in the Medical Humanities program have strong ties to the Waco medical community which allows them to offer outstanding opportunities for clinical experience, mentoring and service. 


spotlightThis library guide is part of our “spotlight on the disciplines” literacy tier. In this tier you will be introduced to advanced academic research skills. These skills are developed by working with research librarians in upper-level courses specific to their discipline. The spotlight represents the in-depth instruction, library guides, advanced search strategies, and research consultations provided by the research & engagement librarians.

University Libraries

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