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Describes ORCID iDs and the importance of establishing an ORCID iD for researchers, authors, scholars.

Use Your ORCID iD Whenever and Wherever You Can

  • Use your ORCID iD when prompted in processes such as manuscript submission and grant proposals and reporting. See one example of this benefit when submitting manuscripts to Elsevier publications.
  • Link your ORCID iD to (or include it in your profile for) other services, including ResearcherID (Web of Science), Author ID (Scopus), figshare/DataCite, and professional organizations.
  • Include your ORCID on conference posters to direct people to your works.
  • Include your ORCID iD on your personal webpage, in social media accounts, and in your email signature.

ORCID recommends the following format: ORCID Logo for the display or ORCID iDs.

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