- Resolve issues of name disambiguation.
- Ensure that a researcher's scholarship is correctly attributed.
- Are now required by some publishers and funding organizations
- Can seamlessly add any citation with a DOI to the ORCID profile via a CrossRef and DataCite integration
- Seamlessly (in many instances) captures/maintains research from past, current, and future places of employment.
- Can be linked to unique IDs in other systems (Author ID in Scopus) and ResearcherID in Web of Science, to add new citations to the ORCID account automatically.
- Will increase their integration with publisher and funding agency submission systems, which means that once the item is published or the grant awarded, that information is updated in the appropriate ORCID account(s).
What ORCID Is Not
- A social or professional networking site (like ResearchGate, Academia.edu, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.)
- Invasive -- no constant influx of communication from ORCID
For additional information, look at, "Ten Things You Need to Know".