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Describes ORCID iDs and the importance of establishing an ORCID iD for researchers, authors, scholars.

Google Scholar Profiles & Other Resources that Support BibTeX

Create a Google Scholar Citations Profile

You can create a Google Scholar Citations profile and associate your publications from Google Scholar to your profile.  Once you've done this, you can reference your Google Profile URL under the "Websites" option on your ORCID profile.  In addition, you can import citations from Google Scholar to your ORCID profile.

  1. Login to your Google account or create one. If creating your Google account for the first time, use a  personal e-mail account instead of an account with an employer so you can keep your profile no matter where you are employed.
  2. Use the Citations sign-up form to complete information in your profile.  At this point you can also provide your university e-mail address, which will make your profile eligible for inclusion in Google Scholar search results.
  3. On the next page, you'll see groups of articles written by people with names similar to yours.  To add articles to your profile do one of the following:
    • Click "Add all articles" next to each article group that is yours.
    • Click "See all articles" to add specific articles from a group.
    • Click "Search all articles" to perform a Google Scholar search and then add your articles one at a time.
  4. Review the information on the Google Scholar Citations set-up page for more information.

Export Google Scholar Citations

  1. Go to Google Scholar and click on the "My citations" link.  If you are not currently logged in to Google Scholar, you'll need to do so.
  2. Click in the check box to the left of each citation that you want to import into your ORCID profile.
  3. Click on the "Export" button and select the "BibTeX" format.
  4. This action will generate a "citations.bib" file that will be saved on your computer.  Make sure you know where this file is located.

Import Google Scholar Citations to Your ORCID Profile

  1. Login to your ORCID profile.
  2. Scroll down to the "Works" section, mouse over the "Add works" option, and click on the "Import BibTeX" option.
  3. A "Link BibTex" option will display; click on the "Choose File" button.
  4. Navigate to the "citations.bib" file, and double click on it.  The citations will appear in the "Link BibTeX" location.
  5. Click on the "Save" icon to add each citation to your profile or the "Ignore" icon to ignore citations you do not want to add to your profile.
  6. For each citation added, complete the "Add Work" form (if necessary) and then click on the "Add to List" button.

Modern Language Association (MLA) Biblink

UberWizard -- Grants

ÜberWizard is a free and open service from ÜberResearch for researchers and funders to add grants to ORCID profiles.  ÜberWizard maintains a list of funding agencies with whom they partner for this service.  These agencies include those that support work in the humanities (Arts and Humanities Research Council, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, and others) and the social sciences (Economic and Social Research Council, National Institute on Aging, National Institute on Drug Abuse, and others), as well as the sciences.

To import grant information to your ORCID profile, do the following:

  1. Login to your ORCID profile.
  2. Scroll down to the "Funding" section, mouse over the "Add Funding" option, and click on the "Search & link" option.
  3. Lick on the "ÜberWizard for ORCID" link.
  4. Click on the "Authorize" button to authorize the conection between your ORCID profile and ÜberWizard.
  5. ÜberWizard will use your ORCID profile name to find grants in the system associated with you.  If it doesn't find any of your grants, you may want to search using different name variants, particularly if the grants you have received come from the list of partners with whom UberWizard works (click on the "See which grant sources are covered by us" link that displays on the top right).
  6. Select the grants that apply and click on the "Next" button.
  7. Review the grants to be submitted to ORCID and click on the "Submit to ORCID" button.

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