Create a Google Scholar Citations Profile
You can create a Google Scholar Citations profile and associate your publications from Google Scholar to your profile. Once you've done this, you can reference your Google Profile URL under the "Websites" option on your ORCID profile. In addition, you can import citations from Google Scholar to your ORCID profile.
Export Google Scholar Citations
Import Google Scholar Citations to Your ORCID Profile
ÜberWizard is a free and open service from ÜberResearch for researchers and funders to add grants to ORCID profiles. ÜberWizard maintains a list of funding agencies with whom they partner for this service. These agencies include those that support work in the humanities (Arts and Humanities Research Council, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, and others) and the social sciences (Economic and Social Research Council, National Institute on Aging, National Institute on Drug Abuse, and others), as well as the sciences.
To import grant information to your ORCID profile, do the following:
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