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ELC Studios

Features and instructions for ELC audiovisual studios

Studio B - Experiential Learning Commons - Moody Library (Garden Level)

Studio B is a full-featured production studio, ready for multi-camera shoots with video producer. Principle uses include:

  • Produced academic video content.
  • Preferred for long shoots with a range of content types, or when multiple people are involved in the filming.
  • Wide range of set options, including panel discussions, demonstrations, and simulations.
  • Control room for live production of multiple cameras, including graphics and transitions.

Other room details include:

  • Configurable lighting.
  • Panoramic green screen for virtual sets.
  • Green room for wardrobe changes and adjacent break area for refreshments.
  • Visitor seating for instructional needs or stakeholder participation.
  • By appointment only. Submit a Creative Project Request for production requests that are not coordinated through a Learning Designer.


Studio B is available to faculty, staff for academic and university work. Faculty and staff recording university content will receive assistance from our production team.

All talent should expect to meet a team member to begin and finish each recording session. Pre-production meetings may be suggested. The production team will lead recording sessions and be responsible for delivering final assets.



Experiential Learning staff will meet talent in the Experiential Learning Commons in the Garden Level of Moody Library. Access to the production studio suite is facilitated by the production team.

Studio B Instructions (general):

  1. Expect a pre-production conversation with a producer before shoot day to coordinate set, camera, and other details.
  2. Provide producer with slides or teleprompter content prior to shoot day.
  3. Bring wardrobe changes if planning to record multiple weeks of course content. Green room provided.
  4. Makeup and hair are the responsibility of the talent, but blotting paper and some disposable hygiene products are supplied.
  5. Break room with microwave and refrigerator available adjacent to studio suite.



  • [PENDING] printable documentation, incl. what to bring/expect

University Libraries

One Bear Place #97148
Waco, TX 76798-7148

(254) 710-6702