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EDC 6336 - Qualitative Research and Analysis

A guide to using Nvivo for EDC 6336 Qualitative Research and Analysis


Welcome to your EDC 6336 guide to Nvivo. This guide contains information on:

  • Who to contact, should you need additional assistance.
  • Nvivo resources that are available to you as a graduate student.
  • An introduction to qualitative analysis using Microsoft Excel.
  • An introduction to using Nvivo.


This guide serves as a resource for Baylor students in EDC 6336, Qualitative Research and Analysis.

Qualitative Analysis Procedures

  1. Work with text content
    1. i.e., Word documents, surveys, transcripts, and social media
  2. Assign thematic codes
    1. i.e., topics, subjects
    2. Three methods:
      1. Manually assigned
      2. Assisted with searches
      3. Automatically calculated
  3. Assign case classifications
    1. i.e., demographics, attributes, locations
  4. Calculate sentiment
    1. Positive/Negative emotional tone of language
  5. 4. Visualizations

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