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EDC 6336 - Qualitative Research and Analysis

A guide to using Nvivo for EDC 6336 Qualitative Research and Analysis

Access NVivo Software

All Baylor graduate students can send a request to the Baylor Help Desk ( to request either:

  1. Permission to install the software on your personal computer (this is the preferred method) or
  2. Access to NVivo via the Azure VDI through their browser.

NVivo (or Excel) Support

Email Amy James for all library research help, including NVivo software support. Amy will pull in Josh Been where necessary.

Qualitative Analysis On-Demand Training

The Baylor Libraries Data Scholar Program offers on-demand video modules in many aspects of (1) Data Visualization, (2) Text Data Mining (including qualitative analysis), (3) Data Scripting, (4) Research Data Management, and (5) Secondary Data.

Any Baylor researcher can self-enroll in the Canvas course containing these modules here:

Under Text Data Mining, here are the recommended modules to get started working with qualitative data analysis:

  • TDM: Qualitative Data Analysis Using NVivo
  • TDM: Coding Qualitative Text Content using Excel
  • TDM: NVivo Managing & Comparing Multi-User Coding

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