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FIN 4285: Small Cap Investing I; FIN4381/5381: Practicum in Portfolio Management

This guide contains resources student can use to locate information needed to analysis stocks and other assets.

Self help section

When the librarian is not available, you still have some options for getting help.  Here are some of the online tutorials available through the library.

Contact your librarian

How do I contact the business librarian?

Use any of the following ways to contact the business librarian, Carol Schuetz

BY phone - 254-710-4410

By email -

In person - come by Jones Library, 1st floor, office 114

  • Ask questions or make research appointments
  • Get help using electronic resources
  • Learn how to locate articles online
  • Locate data and information for research papers
  • Get help with projects


University Libraries

One Bear Place #97148
Waco, TX 76798-7148

(254) 710-6702