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ART 4367: Connoisseurship Seminar: Toolkit

The Kress and Browning Pictures in the Armstrong Browning Library



Baylor's Interlibrary Loan Service -- known as OsoFast -- allows you to borrow materials from other libraries around the world. From many of the databases available through the library, you'll see the BU Info Links button BU InfoLinks that will help you acquire these materials. More information on OsoFast available on the login screen.




Citation Management Tools

These software tools help you to build your own database of works used in your research.  You can easily capture the citations, organize them however you want, share them as needed, and automatically generate footnotes and bibliographies.  The Baylor Libraries provides support for Zotero and RefWorks; see the links to more information below.  The University also provides access to EndNote, but it is not supported by the Libraries.  

University Libraries

One Bear Place #97148
Waco, TX 76798-7148

(254) 710-6702