A good place to begin your search is in art dictionaries or encyclopedias. These can provide valuable background information on basic concepts and ideas as well identify specific artists associated with certain art movements. Though the terms "dictionary" and "encyclopedia" are at times used interchangeably, dictionaries are primarily short definitions or descriptions of the topic whereas encyclopedias have lengthier articles on the topic. For complete holdings, search OneSearch by subject for: "art dictionaries" and/or "art encyclopedias." Selected examples below.
art dictionaries in OneSearch
live link into OneSearch showing all resources using the subject heading "art dictionaries"
limiting to online art dictionaries
art encyclopedias in OneSearch
live link into OneSearch to all resources using the subject heading "art encyclopedias"
limiting to online art encyclopedias
In addition to the artists' entries found under the "dictionaries/encyclopedias" tab, you can also find more information in specifically biographical resources. You'll find indexes to the wide array of artist biographies in the Arts Reference Collection beginning with the call number N40. Also search in Onesearch under the subject "Artists Biography Dictionaries."
The following resources will help you identify and track down journal articles on your topic. Consult the help files and information files for each resource for more details: