Offers peer-reviewed annotated bibliographies on Buddhism as a diverse field which combines religion, philosophy, history, art history, philology and textual studies, as well as informing a variety of comparative studies. Very useful for introductions to the scholarship of a field and key critical works.
Offers peer-reviewed annotated bibliographies on the range of lived experiences and textual traditions of Muslims as they are articulated in various countries and regions throughout the world. Very useful for introductions to the scholarship of a field and key critical works.
Offers peer-reviewed annotated bibliographies on Biblical studies, including perspectives from fields ranging from archaeology, Egyptology, Assyriology, and linguistics through textual, historical, and sociological studies, to literary theory, feminism, philosophy, and theology. Very useful for introductions to the scholarship of a field and key critical works.
Offers peer-reviewed annotated bibliographies on the period of the Renaissance and Reformation, which spans roughly from the 14th through 17th centuries. Very useful for introductions to the scholarship of a field and key critical works.
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