Provides indexing and abstracts of journal articles, books, contributions to anthologies, and book reviews published worldwide since 1940. For access to the scholarly journal literature of Philosophy, this index is the most important available.
Provides full-text access to an electronic index with incredibly broad, multi-disciplinary journal subject coverage that is primarily (though not exclusively) religion and philosophy focused.
Provides access to an international bibliography of publications in European languages on all aspects of Islam and the Muslim world, including history, beliefs, societies, cultures, languages and literatures.
Provides comprehensive indexing to English-language articles, book reviews, and feature stories in journals devoted to Jewish affairs.
Indexes comprehensively scholarly and non-scholarly journals in religion and theology.
Indexes essays and chapters in single and multi-author collections, plus selected annuals and serials. It includes publications from the United States, Canada, and Great Britain, covering 1900 through 1984.
Provides online, full-text access to journals published by SAGE Publishers to which Baylor University Libraries subscribe.
Indexes articles from English-language periodicals from 1907 to 1984. Includes some of the best-known scholarly journals and numerous, lesser-known but important specialized magazines.
***Scopus AI add-on will be available starting January 2025*** Provides citations and abstracts of scholarly works in 240 disciplines from over 7000 publishers. Includes links to references, citations, and related works and has extensive author profiles.
Provides online access to important scholarly journals and books in many different disciplines.
For journals, JSTOR mainly serves an archival function, it contains recent issues for some titles, but for most titles the available issues are two years old or more.
Provides searching and full-text access to scholarly journals from a wide variety of not-for-profit organizations (university presses, scholarly societies, historical associations, and religious communities).
Indexes the scholarly and scientific literature in open access journals (journals which do not charge the individual or the institution a subscription fee but make their content freely available). Journals indexed must be peer-reviewed or have editorial quality control and report results of research to a scholarly community to be included in the indexing. Access to full text varies by journal. All languages and subjects are covered. Search for articles by keyword (with Boolean "and/or/not" connectors), search journals by title, or browse journals by broad subject categories. DOAJ, Lund University Library (Sweden).
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