Provides access to full-text business journals and scholarly, peer-reviewed journals.
SWOT analysis can be found in Business Source Complete by using one of two strategies:
General Motors and SWOT can be used as search terms. The time limit for results is adjusted to give the most recent reports.
SWOT analysis can be located by selecting the search string "General Motors SWOT analysis" from the list of suggested terms.
Provides company profiles, news, business and trade articles, research reports, executive profiles, and industry intelligence.
Note: Limited to 25 simultaneous users; please logout when done.
Provides access to industry research and company benchmarking reports.
Database contains over 18 million current and historical broker research on companies, industries, products and markets.
InvesText contains SWOT analysis reports from GlobalData and MarketLine. These reports can be located by using the following steps:
1. Select Company Name/Ticker in the criteria box, then type in company name.
2. Select Contributor in the criteria box and enter GlobalData (The "Use contributor lookup can be use if contributor is unknown).
3. Select Contributor again and enter MarketLine.
4. Click on Submit to see number of matches or View to see results.
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