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Open Educational Resources

Introduction to open educational resources (OER) and provides basic info about finding, evaluating, adopting, adapting, and creating OER materials.

Library Support for OER Development

The Affordable Course Materials Conversion Summer Fellows Program is an incentive program designed to encourage Baylor University faculty to reduce the educational costs for their students by using library content, open educational resources (OER), or other low- or zero-cost materials. In particular, it is intended to encourage instructor experimentation in high-quality low- and no-cost learning materials for their students, especially through the use of OER.  Find more information at the link below.

Open Textbooks & Course Materials at Baylor University

The Baylor University Libraries have established a Pressbooks platform to facilitate the development of OER materials. Faculty may use their Bear IDs to access the Pressbooks instance through the following link:

University Libraries

One Bear Place #97148
Waco, TX 76798-7148

(254) 710-6702