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Open Educational Resources

Introduction to open educational resources (OER) and provides basic info about finding, evaluating, adopting, adapting, and creating OER materials.

Finding OER Materials

General OER Repositories/Directories

Open education is a globally recognized approach to instruction, and numerous professionals around the world have developed OERs to support this pedagogical perspective. Agencies and organizations have developed extensive repositories of OERs, many of which include more than one document type or media format, to facilitate their discovery and use. Below are several for your consideration. Each is browsable by subject area and can be searched using keyword terms. [adapted from the UT Austin Libraries -]

OER Search Tools

Use one of the following search engines to find OER options across multiple repository collections.

OER Repositories by Subject/Discipline

Open and Public Domain Image, Video, and Media Collections

Use these links to locate stock photos, illustrations, videos, and other media resources that can be incorporated into textbooks or other course materials. Be sure to review the license and usage guidelines before adding them to your class materials.

OER Basics - Courses and Tutorials

Evaluating OERs

As an instructor, you likely already have a set of evaluation criteria you use in textbook selection. Additional issues to consider when dealing with OER materials include:

  • Use: Is the license open? Can you share, reuse, and remix the content freely? Are there copyright or other legal restrictions?
  • Format: Does the material come in a format your students can access easily? Is special software required? Can the material be printed or purchased in print at a low cost? 


For rubrics to use in your assessment, consider the following:

Adopting OERs

Adopting an OER is a matter simply of adding a link in the syllabus and letting students know that it is free (or low-cost) to access and use.

For guidance, consider one of the following:

Baylor Research Guides Containing OER Suggestions

The following guides include links to OER materials appropriate for the indicated disciplines. Some of the guides have OER suggestions explicitly identified in a separate box location whereas others have the materials integrated into the broad list of academic resources available.

University Libraries

One Bear Place #97148
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