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Finding Health Data

This library guide contains resources on health data and statistics

Pharmaceutical Statistics

Pharmaceuticals are put through tests through national entities like the FDA, and the data from these tests are compiled into statistical resources. Statistics are an important tool to ensure the efficacy and safety of new and developed drugs. This is of acute importance when attempting to determine whether the pharmacological effect of one drug is superior to another, determining what kind of prescription to prescribe to a patient, and identifying areas for new development. 

Pharmaceutical Statistics Resources

The resources below allow you to search for specific drugs, then view information such as how the drug works, possible side effects, drug interactions, and how to identify specific pills. 

The information below focuses on the regulation of drugs. Drug regulation means that a drug is researched, manufactured, and distributed under the supervision of a regulatory authority like the FDA. 

The information below focuses on the patent process in relation to drug development, which is a key component of the regulatory process in which drugs are evaluated by regulatory authorities. 

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