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Video Assignments

Video Assignments with Kaltura and Canvas

Creating a Video Assignment

To create an assignment for which students can submit a video, create an assignment and ensure the Submission Type is set to Online. Then mark the check box for Text Entry:

NOTE: Do not select Media Recordings as the Submission Type. This method has a restriction on file size that Kaltura does not have.

Text Entry will give students the Canvas Rich Text Editor as a response field, which will allow them to embed a video from their My Media (see the instructions on the For Students tab of this research guide).

Doing this will embed the video wherever the student's cursor is within the text box. Students may also add text or other information in the response field.

Keep in mind that, since these are submitted to an assignment, the video submissions will not be viewable by other students in the course. If your video assignment also entails peer feedback, it is recommended to also have students publish their video to the course's Media Gallery.

Publishing to Media Gallery

Media Gallery is a course-specific public repository of videos. Each course has its own Media Gallery, and each person in a given course can publish to its Media Gallery. Additionally, each person in the course can see each video published to the Media Gallery.

This makes it a great place for students to share presentations with their classmates. If you have a video assignment for which students receive an individual grade but also share their content with the rest of the class, consider having students publish their videos to the course's Media Gallery. Instructions for doing so are included in the For Students tab of this research guide.

Reviewing Video Assignments

To review video assignments created using the above method, simply go to the assignment and open SpeedGrader.


Within SpeedGrader, you will be able to view each submitted video along with adding comments and assigning a grade:


NOTE: You cannot download videos submitted this way. Because the videos are embedded, all Canvas allows you to download is an HTML file, which will not open properly.

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