Cunningham, April and Hannon, Richard (2013) "Reinforcing College Reading Strategies in the Library Classroom," LOEX Quarterly: Vol. 40: Iss. 1, Article 4. (Available at:
Covers all of the social sciences with deep coverage of sociology and politics, and extending to criminal justice, education, linguistics, and language behavior.
Provides online access to important scholarly journals and books in many different disciplines.
For journals, JSTOR mainly serves an archival function, it contains recent issues for some titles, but for most titles the available issues are two years old or more.
Contains detailed summaries of publications about older adults aged 50+ and about aging. Includes books, journal and magazine articles, research reports, dissertations, and videos.
Provides bibliographic data and some full text for scholarly literature in nursing and allied health professions.
Provides bibliographic information and full-text of articles on criminal justice and criminology.
Provides bibliographic information for articles and books for topics on all levels of education from early childhood to higher education and all educational specialties.
Indexes the newspapers, magazines, and scholarly journals published by, about, and for ethnic, minority, and native peoples.
Includes bibliographic records covering essential areas related to family studies, including marriage, divorce, and family therapy.
Covers ethnic and social diversity issues.
Provides a collection of peer-reviewed, full-text articles in HTML and PDF format covering gay and lesbian studies, intended primarily for academic researchers.
Provides PDF images of law journals, bar journals, U.S. federal government documents, state session laws, treaties, and other historical legal materials..
Provides citations and summaries of scholarly journal articles, book chapters, books, and dissertations in psychology, behavioral science, and mental health.
Indexes journal articles in life sciences with a concentration on biomedicine. Contains material not yet indexed in Medline.
Uses Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) indexing with tree, tree hierarchy, subheadings and explosion capabilities.
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Covers essential areas related to race relations, including ethnic studies, discrimination, immigration studies, and other areas of key relevance to the discipline.
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