"Maverick" - late 19th century tabletop clamshell platen press (Chandler & Price Pilot Press, Cleveland, Ohio)
"Winston" - late 19th century clamshell floor model platen press (Challenge Mfg. Co. G.P. Gordon Platen Press)
"Pressly" - 19th century historic Washington-style iron hand press (R. Hoe & Co., New York and London, 1870)
"Betty" - late 19th/early 20th century historic Washington-style iron hand press (F. Wesel Mfg. Co, New York)
"Cooper" - 20th century powered cylinder editioning press (Vandercook Universal III, 1960)
"Prudence" - 20th century proofing press (Challenge Mfg. Co)
"Sir Prints-A-Lot", "Printsess Peach", "Sir Prints-A-Little", "Fresh Prints of Bel-Air", "Prints Charming" - a family of 21st century tabletop proofing presses (5) (Provisional Press, Ft. Wayne, Indiana)
"Paige" - 21st century tabletop model based on mid 15th century screw driven hand press (Josef Beery / BookBeetle, Free Union, Virginia)
"Pearl" - 19th century tabletop clamshell platen press (Baltimorean No. 12, J.F.W. Dorman Company, Baltimore, Maryland, 1880s)
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