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Kaltura 101

My Media

Once your video is uploaded to Kaltura, you can access it in a menu called My Media. This menu will show you every video you are the Owner of in Kaltura. It is also where you go to manage the media you own.

My Media is accessible two ways: through Canvas and through Mediaspace. While most options are available both places, some are limited to one platform or the other.

In Canvas, you can access My Media as from the Canvas Global Navigation, which is the green bar on the far left side of the screen. This menu is visible on every page in Canvas.

In Mediaspace, log in on the top right and you will see a My Media menu option appear at the top of the page. You can also access My Media from any page on Mediaspace by simply selecting Your Name > My Media.

From My Media, you will be able to edit most aspects of your video, including the title and description, the owner, the captions, and even the actual video content itself.

Video Editor

From My Media, click on the video you would like to manage. This will open the video's page. From this page, select Actions > Launch Editor:

This will launch the Video Editor:

The Video Editor will allow you to perform basic editing functions, such as trimmingclipping, and splicing your video. If you need to perform more complex editing, it is recommended to use external software such as iMovie or Adobe Premiere.

NOTE: In order to preserve the caption files associated with your video, be sure to Save as a Copy before you make any edits. You can then edit that copy of the video.

For more information on how to use the Video Editor, click here.

Editing Metadata

From My Media, click on the video you would like to manage. This will open the video's page. From this page, select Actions > Edit:

This will open a new page with several tabs, each of which correspond to aspects of your video you can edit.

Select the Details tab:

This tab allows you to edit the title and description of your video, as well as set a Publishing Schedule for it. When you have completed your edits, be sure to click Save.


From My Media, click on the video you would like to manage. This will open the video's page. From this page, select Actions > Edit:

This will open a new page with several tabs, each of which correspond to aspects of your video you can edit.

Select the Collaboration tab:

The Collaboration screen allows you to transfer ownership of the video to another user, or to add collaborators to the video. There are three types of collaborators:

  • Co-editors have the permission to edit the metadata associated with your media. Co-editors have all the same metadata options as owners except the 'Collaboration' tool.
  • Co-publishers have the permission to publish the media anywhere that the co-publishing user has the rights to publish.
  • Co-viewers can view media, even if you have not published it. This option is useful for sharing a video with individual students rather than a whole course section.

To add collaborators, search by their name or Bear ID (First_Last1), select the role you want to assign them, and click Add.

Downloading Your Video

From My Media, click on the video you would like to manage. This will open the video's page. From this page, select Actions > Edit:

This will open a new page with several tabs, each of which correspond to aspects of your video you can edit.

On the Edit page, you have the ability to download your video directly from the player at the top of the screen. After clicking play, you will notice a Download icon at the top right of the video player. This icon only appears on this screen:


Simply click this icon to download your video at the original resolution.

Note: this is the only place in Kaltura that this icon is visible, meaning only users with Editor permissions are able to see it. This means anyone who is a Co-Editor (see Collaboration) will also be able to download your video.

Enabling Downloads for Others

From My Media, click on the video you would like to manage. This will open the video's page. From this page, select Actions > Edit:

This will open a new page with several tabs, each of which correspond to aspects of your video you can edit.

Select the Downloads tab:

The Downloads tab will allow you to enable other users to download your video. Select the resolution(s) at which you want users to be able to download your video and click Save.

To download any video on which downloads are enabled, go to the video's page and select Details > Download:

This will bring up a list of resolutions available for download. Click the Download icon next to the resolution you would like to download:



From My Media, click on the video you would like to manage. This will open the video's page. From this page, select Actions > Edit:

This will open a new page with several tabs, each of which correspond to aspects of your video you can edit.

Editing Captions

Every video uploaded to Kaltura automatically receives machine captioning. However, machine captioning only achieves between 70%-80% accuracy. If your video contains a lot of technical language or proper nouns, you may want to edit the captions.

To edit the captions on a video, navigate to My Media and select the video in question. On the video's page, select Actions > Edit:

On the page that loads, navigate to the Captions tab. Here you will see a list of caption files associated with your video. If your auto-captioning is complete, you should see a single item in the list:


To edit this caption file, click the Pencil icon or Edit Captions. This will open the Caption Editor:


The Caption Editor allows you to change the content and timing of your captions. You can add speaker names and indications, and you can also search the entire transcript for specific terms. You can even do a find-and-replace function for commonly misspelled terms.

Once you have completed editing your captions, click Save at the top right.

Ordering Additional Captions

Owners of media can order additional captions beyond the machine English captioning automatically applied to every video on upload. To do this, navigate to My Media and select the video in question. On the video's page, select Actions > Caption & Enrich:


This will load the Caption Request page:


Users are able to order Machine Captions for their videos in the following languages: Arabic, French, Italian, German, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin Chinese, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.

Professional Human Captioning is available by special request. For more information, contact

Transcript Widget

The Transcript Widget can be enabled on the video player anywhere a video is viewable. First, select the Transcript Widget icon at the top right of the player:


The widget will display the entire text of the video's captions, with the portion currently being displayed highlighted. This transcript is fully searchable, downloadable, and users can even jump to a particular point in the video by clicking on the corresponding captions:


Interactive Video Quizzes

Creating a Video Quiz

Video Quizzes can only be made from within Canvas. You can create a Video Quiz from any existing video in your My Media. To do so, navigate to My Media and select Create > Video Quiz:

You will then be taken to a page where you select which existing video you want to use to create your quiz. Choose the video you want and click the Select button next to it. You will then be taken to the Video Quiz Editor. This tool will allow you to create an interactive quiz from your video. For more information on creating a Video Quiz, click here.

Deploying a Video Quiz

Once you have created a Video Quiz, you need to set up the Canvas assignment correctly for grades to be recorded in the gradebook.

Go to the Assignments tab and create a new assignment. Do not embed any Kaltura content in the RCE. You may put instructions, but be sure not to include any video content.

Under Submission Type, select External Tool. Then, click Find and navigate to Kaltura - Interactive Video Quiz:

This will show a list of Video Quizzes you have created. Locate the desired quiz and click Select on the right.

Once the assignment is published, it should populate grades correctly in the gradebook.

Ad Blockers and Video Quizzes

Some ad blocker plugins can prevent Kaltura Video Quizzes from recording grades. Because of this, Ad Blocker Detection is enabled on the player. If a user tries to play a Video Quiz with an ad blocker enabled, the following screen will appear:

To play the Video Quiz, simply disable any ad blocker and click Continue.

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