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SBL Handbook

Society of Biblical Literature

The Society of Biblical Literature is the oldest and largest international scholarly membership organization in the field of biblical studies. Founded in 1880, the Society has grown to over 8,500 international members including teachers, students, religious leaders and individuals from all walks of life who share a mutual interest in the critical investigation of the Bible.




Abbreviations in SBL

Old Testament:

Gen - Genesis
Exod - Exodus
Lev - Leviticus
Num - Numbers
Deut - Deuteronomy
Josh - Joshua
Judg - Judges
Ruth - Ruth
1Sam - 1Samuel
2Sam - 2Samuel
1Kgs - 1Kings
2Kgs - 2Kings
1Chron - 1Chronicles
2Chron - 2Chronicles
Ezra - Ezra
Neh - Nehemiah
Esth - Esther
Job - Job
Ps - Psalms 
Prov - Proverbs
Eccl - Ecclesiastes
Song - Song of Solomon
Is - Isaiah
Jer - Jeremiah
Lam - Lamentations
Ezek - Ezekiel
Dan - Daniel
Hos - Hosea
Joel – Joel
Amos - Amos
Obad - Obadiah
Jon - Jonah
Mic - Micah
Nah - Nahum
Hab - Habakkuk
Zeph - Zephaniah
Hag - Haggai
Zech - Zechariah
Mal - Malachi

New Testament:

Matt - Matthew
Mark - Mark
Luke - Luke
John - John
Acts – Acts
Rom - Romans
1Cor - 1Corinthians
2Cor - 2Corinthians
Gal - Galatians
Eph - Ephesians
Phil - Philippians
Col - Colossians
1Thess - 1Thessalonians
2Thess - 2Thessalonians
1Tim - 1Timothy
2Tim - 2Timothy
Titus - Titus
Phlm - Philemon
Heb - Hebrews
Jam - James
1Pet - 1Peter
2Pet - 2Peter
1Jn - 1John
2Jn - 2John
3Jn - 3John 
Jude - Jude
Rev - Revelation

Divisions of the canon
HB      Hebrew Bible

New Testament


Old Testament

Modern Bible Versions
ASV American Standard Version
CEV Contemporary English Version
GNB Good News Bible
GOODSPEED The Complete Bible: An American Translation, E. J. Goodspeed
JB Jerusalem Bible
KJV King James Version
LB Living Bible
MLB Modern Language Bible
MOFFATT The New Testament: A New Translation, James Moffatt
NAB New American Bible
NASB New American Standard Bible
NAV New American Version
NEB New English Bible
NIV New International Version
NJB New Jerusalem Bible
NJPS Tanakh: The Holy Scriptures: The New JPS Translation according to the Traditional Hebrew Text
NKJV New King James Version
NRSV New Revised Standard Version
PHILLIPS The New Testament in Modern English, J.B. Phillips
REB Revised English Bible
RSV Revised Standard Version
RV Revised Version
TEV Today's English Version (= Good News Bible)
WEYMOUTH The New Testament in Modern Speech, R. F. Weymouth

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