Selected Chemistry and Biochemistry Databases
Indexes peer-reviewed chemistry literature and provides information on substances and reactions.
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Can search substances by molecular structure.
Has predictive retrosynthesis for planning experiments.
Indexes peer-reviewed chemistry literature and provides information on substances, reactions, and bioactivity.
Can search substances by molecular structure.
Has predictive retrosynthesis for planning experiments.
Aggregates chemical structures and their associated information into a searchable database.
Provides bibliographical information for scholarly material in biomedical and pharmacological sciences.
Multidisciplinary Databases
Provides citations and abstracts of scholarly works in 240 disciplines from over 7000 publishers. Includes links to references, citations, and related works and has extensive author profiles.
Provides citations and abstracts of peer-reviewed works in 254 disciplines. Includes links to references, citations, and related works and has extensive author profiles.
Provides peer-reviewed scientific videos journal articles. Articles consist of video demonstrations and detailed text protocols.
JoVE Encyclopedia of Experiments includes videos of advanced research experiments
OneSearch is a discovery tool that provides a single place to search most of the content available from the Baylor University Libraries, including:
List of All Chemistry and Biochemistry Databases
Selected Chemistry and Biochemistry Journal
Selected Chemistry and Biochemistry Journal Collections
Chemistry Journals subscribed by Baylor University Libraries
Provides short scholarly articles about key topics in inorganic and bioinorganic chemistry.
Gives details on reagents and catalysts for organic synthesis
Preprint Servers and Other Literature Databases
Cochrane Database of Systemtic Reviews (CDSR) contains both systematic reviews articles and protocols for the health sciences.
Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) contains bibliographic reports for randomized and quasi-randomized controlled trials.
Cochrane Clinical Answers (CCAs) provides questions, short answers, and outcome data based from Cochrane Reviews for clinical decision making.
Useful Websites
Class Research Guides
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